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| October 18, 2006 |
| August 28, 2006 |
| August 22, 2006 |
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Archived Photos
(click on thumbnail photos to enlarge in bottom window)
August 28, 2006
Crews work on the access ramp from Route 18 southbound onto New Street (west). On the left a new landscape wall has been established to provide the Highlands at Plaza Square apartment complex a barrier to the roadway. New sewer lines, improved drainage, waterlines, fiber optic cables, phone lines and electrical lines were also installed.. |
This view shows the distance between Raritan Gardens and Route 18 as crews work on the installation of the post and panel wall which will provide a noise and sight barrier for the residents of the apartment complex. |
Posts are lowered into holes which are lined with corrugated aluminum cans and steel rebar cages for strength and support. The cans are then filled with concrete which sets the posts in place. |