Frequently Asked Questions
Why are we doing this work?
This section of Route 18 is a primary regional
thoroughfare for more than 85,000 vehicles
a day. The road has substandard geometric
features, a high rate of accidents compared
to statewide averages and a need for improved
traffic operations. Bridges at George Street,
New Street and at Route 27 need to be replaced.
Traffic signs and signals need to be added
or improved and new bridges built at Carpender
Place (pedestrian) and Commercial Avenue.

What other improvements will be made?
A reconstructed Route 18 will enhance safety,
operations, drainage and landscaping with
noise barriers and an aesthetic wall. Boyd
Park will be enhanced and a new boat ramp
An express section for through traffic
and another for local traffic will be
provided along with acceleration/deceleration
lanes and shoulders.
Multi-use paths, bicycle/pedestrian overpasses
and bus stop pullouts will be provided
and/or upgraded.
Are local residents and officials involved?
Local residents
and officials have been meeting with the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) on the planning and design
of this project for more than
a decade. A Community
Partnering Team was established in 1999 and will continue
to meet for the duration of the project.
It includes citizens from dozens of community
interests, officials, neighborhoods, emergency and hospital
groups, schools and businesses. Public meetings
were held on preliminary designs in 2001
and 2002.
Is there a community liaison during construction?
NJDOT wants to keep members of community organizations informed and in touch during constructioin, the Route 18 Reconstruction contract includes a Community Liaison, Brian Dorf. Brian's email address is
What are the cost, start and finish dates?
The $200 million project began in Spring 2005 and is expected to last through 2009.
Who is the contractor and resident engineer?
The contractor is Conti Enterprises of South Plainfield. NJDOT's Tony Bene is the resident engineer.
What are the construction stages?
This project will be constructed in multiple
stages that will be added to this site
soon after the contractor is hired.
What will NJDOT do to minimize motorist
hassles?NJDOT will keep lane closures and detours
to a minimum during construction. These
will be noted online and on variable message
signs within and outside of the work area.
Where can commuters find updated information
about this project?
The best sources of updated information
- Online at
the NJDOT web site: Real
Time Traffic,
and links to Rutgers and other community
web sites
- Radio traffic reports
- Variable message signs
- Rutgers TV
How can I make a suggestion?
Your suggestions are welcome. Contact us
by e-mail. |