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Archived Photos
(click on thumbnail photos to enlarge in bottom window)
February 8, 2006
Crews install cans and rebar cages in preparation for the installation of a new post and panel wall along Route 18 north between Paulus Boulevard and the footing of the pedestrian bridge at Carpender Road. |
In a wide shot, you can see where the northbound lanes will be expanded to create new lanes just north of Paulus Boulevard. To the right are the cans which define the location of a new wall which will extend north to meet the footing of the new pedestrian bridge. |
Crews have begun workig on the brick face for the serpentine wiall between Phelps and Newell Avenues. Once the brick work has been completed, the ground will be backfilled to bring the grade up to level ground, and the area will be landscaped. |
With the cul-de-sac at Carpender Road defined and newly paved, the local school bus company had one of their drivers test drive the new U-turn to assure that sufficient room had been provided for large vehicles to navigate the new roadway. |