Proposed Improvements
Route 35 will
be redesigned as a state-of-the-art
roadway. To safeguard against
future storms and to provide
a safer and stronger highway,
Route 35 will be reconstructed
and reconfigured with the
following improvements:
- All pavement will
undergo full-depth pavement
reconstruction for a 50-year
design life.
- The roadway
profile will be improved
to facilitate the collection
of drainage run-off and
ride quality.
- Increased pavement
cross slopes will be
provided to improve roadway
stormwater collection.
- The current drainage
system suffered heavy
damage by Superstorm Sandy.
It will be upgraded to
modern standards that will
be able to handle storms
of such intensity that
would normally be expected
to occur only once in
25 years.
- Where required,
the drainage improvements
will also include subsurface
pumping station at several locations
within the project
limits. Each pump requires
an electric generator,
which will be housed either
on an elevated platform
or in a gazebo-like structure
located on beach areas.
- New
drainage pipes and New
Jersey Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System-compliant
inlet grates will be
installed in the shoulder
areas throughout the project
to help prevent debris
from entering the system.
- Outfall
pipes will be constructed
or reconstructed and
tidal check valves will
be installed.
- Subsurface
water quality manufactured
treatments devices
will be installed beneath
existing paved areas
adjacent to the Barnegat
Bay beach/shoreline.
- The pavement markings
will be adjusted to maintain
existing shoulder parking
while allowing for shared
bicycle use. Dedicated bike lanes also will be added to the design where feasible.
- Continuous
sidewalk will be provided
along the northbound
- High visibility
crosswalks will be constructed
at signalized intersections. Existing
crosswalks at unsignalized intersections
will be replaced.
- Curb ramps and sidewalk
pedestrian facilities will
be constructed to be compliant
with the accessibility
guidelines of the Americans
with Disabilities Act.
- New sanitary sewer
lines will be installed
to replace existing clay
and concrete pipe
lines that are likely to
be damaged from the roadway
- New water
lines will be installed
to replace existing
concrete pipe that is
likely to be damaged from
the roadway construction.
- New Jersey Natural Gas replaced/upgraded gas facilities throughout the barrier island.
- Signalized intersections
will be upgraded
to meet current standards.
- Additional landscaping
will enhance median areas
and the roadside border area
along Route 35.

This is
one of many outfalls that
damaged during Superstorm