The New Jersey
Department of Transportation
(NJDOT) initiated the design
for restoration improvements
along the Route 35 corridor
more than a decade ago to
address severe pavement distress
and corridor-wide flooding
related to drainage infrastructure,
site characteristics and
tidal influences. The proposed
roadway improvements, including
concrete curb, asphalt pavement,
storm sewers, concrete driveway
aprons, crosswalk striping
and concrete sidewalks, extended
from Milepost (MP) 0.0 at
the entrance of Island Beach
State Park to MP 12.5 at
the border of Point Pleasant
Beach. The first of three
construction contracts was
anticipated to start in 2013,
with on-going construction
through 2018. Public outreach
was conducted with applicable
public suggestions integrated
into the design. As a result
of corridor-wide damage resulting
from Superstorm
Sandy, Route 35 requires
immediate attention, so the
three construction
contracts have
been expedited.
Superstorm Sandy,
view is of Route 35
northbound. |
Superstorm Sandy,
is of Route
35 northbound
at Route
528 in Mantoloking. |