Department of Transportation




Notice: Interested Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) vendors can submit responses to current ITS Technology Product Presentation RFI's by accessing the information through the following link.

Please select from the Professional Services links listed below:

Notices/Information are issued to provide consultants with significant information recently identified concerning Professional Services.

Please Read Our Legal Notices

Prequalification - A consultant must be prequalified by the Department of Transportation to submit a technical proposal. Prequalified Consultants are listed in this section.

Anticipated Solicitations

Technical Proposals are solicited from Cost Basis Approved and Prequalified firms. They are evaluated based upon the qualifications and experience of the proposed team, the firm's project approach, and the applicable NJDOT CES rating.

Technical Proposals for solicitations must be uploaded to the New Jersey Department of Transportation through Bid Express. The automatic deadline for TP submission is 3:00 PM on the closing date of the solicitation.

All TP's must be addressed to the Manager, Professional Services.

In the event the NJDOT Procurement office is closed due to inclement weather on the day technical proposals are due, technical proposals will be accepted on or before 3:00 PM the following business day. Please monitor news sources to determine if State offices are closed. Phone calls and e-mail may not be answered.

Consultant Selections are based on a competitive process that includes the evaluation and ranking of technical proposals.

Consultant Evaluation System (CES) has been developed to provide an objective, consistent method for measuring Consultant performance. The system is based on objective information, which is intended to lead to fair, impartial ratings.

Certified Payroll requirements are now in effect. They are required whenever a cost proposal is submitted to the Department i.e. agreement, addenda, mod, or taskorder. Quarterly wage rates are no longer needed.

Cost Basis Approval is part of the prequalification process and is required for both prime and sub-consultants. Cost Basis Approved Consultants are listed in this section. The Department also issues approval letters to all firms. While every effort is made to keep the web site up to date, this signed letter is to be accepted as official approval for all contracting purposes in the event that a firm does not appear on the web site.

Goal Compliance and DBE/ESBE, SBE Information

After 3-14-2011, all goal compliance forms should be sent directly to Civil Rights via Email.

Corporate Reorganization / Name Change Information

Last updated date: August 7, 2023 9:39 AM