Department of Transportation



Certified Payroll Requirements

Certified Payroll is required for Prequalification. Individuals proposed for prequalification must be employed by the firm submitting; use of subconsultant personnel is prohibited.


Consultants are required to submit a Certified Payroll to the Department's Contract Manager at the time of; (1) prequalification (2) agreement, (3) task order, (4) consultant agreement modification, and/or (5) consultant agreement addendum.The certified payroll roster is required for the prime and all cost basis approved subconsultants and will be retained by Professional Services. Consultant titles should be the same on Certified Payroll, Cost Proposals, and Invoices.

Instructions for completion of Certified Payroll forms:
  1. All ASCE grades should be listed by each employee then grouped and averaged together by ASCE grade.
  2. Any dissimilar titles within the same ASCE grade must be grouped together by similar title, and averaged according to similar title.
  3. You may add names, titles, and ASCE grades as needed, each ASCE grade need not be listed on separate pages.
  4. Certified Payroll from prime and subconsultant staff must be listed on separate pages.
  5. The Consultant Signatory Statement for a prime or a subconsultant must appear on each page of the certified payroll. The Principal of the Firm for the prime consultant must sign for the prime, and the Principal of the Firm for the subconsultant must sign for the subconsultant.

These forms are optional; your firm may use its own format as long as all required information is listed. If you choose to use these forms, rows and pages may be added and deleted as necessary.

  • Exhibit - Certified Payroll Form
  • Blank - Certified Payroll for Prequalification
  • Blank - Certified Payroll for Agreements/Mods/Task Orders
  • Certified Payroll FAQs

  • Retroactive and New Hire Wage Rates
    1. Follow regular certified payroll format.
    2. Submit retroactive and new hires directly to Professional Services.

    Last updated date: July 20, 2023 9:13 AM