Executive Summary
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Strategy Profiles
1 Land use
2 Bicycle/Pedestrian
3 Bicycle/Pedestrian
4 Bicycle/Pedestrian
5 Travel Demand
6 Travel Demand
7 Transit
8 Transit
9 Transit
10 Transit
11 Roadway
12 Roadway
13 Goods Movement
14 Roadway
15 Roadway
16 Roadway
Press Release
updated 09/23/99
7 Increased 
The Situation |
While local bus service in the Route 1 Study
Area is good, many routes operate at frequencies (headways) of 30 minutes or greater in
the peak period and therefore are not an attractive alternative to some people. |
The Proposal |
Reduce headways on local bus routes to 15
minutes in the peak period, thereby providing a more convenient (and reliable) service to
accommodate the "rush" hour crowd, and possibly eliminate the need for a
schedule. |
The Locations |
Study Area |
The Actions |
Conduct a market analysis to determine
potential demand; conduct a planning & operational analysis to determine feasibility;
institute on a selected route on a trail basis; conduct follow up to determine
success/failure. |
Estimated Annual Cost ($Millions) |
$3.5 to $4.0 |
Overall Traffic Benefits |
High |
Other Impacts and Considerations |
Approximately three times the present number
of buses would be required to achieve the 15 minute headways, with the increased ridership
generating only a fraction of the increased cost, thereby requiring significant increase
in public funding. |
Lead (Sponsor) |
NJ Transit |
Support |
KMM, County, Municipalities, Regional Malls |
Possible Funding |
Estimated Time Frame |
Short Term (initial trial); Long Term (other
routes) |
(Note: this project is being pursued as part of the NJDOTs
Route 1 (Section 7L) project)