Executive Summary
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Strategy Profiles
1 Land use
2 Bicycle/Pedestrian
3 Bicycle/Pedestrian
4 Bicycle/Pedestrian
5 Travel Demand
6 Travel Demand
7 Transit
8 Transit
9 Transit
10 Transit
11 Roadway
12 Roadway
13 Goods Movement
14 Roadway
15 Roadway
16 Roadway
Press Release
updated 09/23/99
6 Cashing 
- Out of Parking
Pilot Program
The Situation |
Free parking permeates the Route 1 Study Area,
but is not atypical - studies have shown that 9 out of 10 workers who drive to work
receive free parking. This availability of free parking encourages driving, particularly
the drive-alone commute. Cashing-out of parking (a parking management strategy by which
employees receive $ equal to what the employer would charge to park - they can then
continue to park and pay, or keep the money and find an alternative way to work) is a
viable and very effective parking management strategy, but is not very well understood (or
used) in this part of the country. |
The Proposal |
Develop a Cashing-out of Parking Pilot Program
with the objective of having at least one employer within the Route 1 Study Area
participate. |
The Locations |
Study Area |
The Actions |
Research the national experience with cashing
-out of parking; research local experience with cashing-out of parking; solicit interest
from employers in participating in the Pilot Program; conduct interviews/focus groups;
develop Pilot Program and structure to be transferable to any employer wanting to try the
program. Conduct follow-up to gauge success/failures, lessons learned. |
Estimated Annual Cost ($Millions) |
$0.1 to $0.2 |
Overall Traffic Benefits |
Moderate to High (enhances Commuter Options
strategy) |
Other Impacts and Considerations |
There is reluctance among employers to take on
the additional administrative responsibilities, even though the net cost to employers is
small. To be effective, the program will need to be (eventually) applied region-wide. |
Lead (Sponsor) |
Support |
NJDOT, Employers |
Possible Funding |
Estimated Time Frame |
Short Term for Pilot Program; Long Term for
Region-wide application |
(Note: the Pilot Program is being pursued as part of the
NJDOTs Route 1 (Section 7L) project) |