
Route 23 Sussex Borough Realignment
The original Initially Preferred Alternative (IPA) proposal for this project has advanced through the completion of Preliminary Design and
initiation of Right of Way acquisition. An Environmental Assessment (EA) for the original design was approved by the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) with a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) in December 2003. Due to budgetary limitations the project was halted by
the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) in September 2008. NJDOT reviewed the project to determine if the Purpose and Need could be
satisfied with an alternative design that was more economical.
NJDOT has developed a Smart Solutions recommendation that reduces the project limits and the construction costs. A new project Purpose and Need
Statement was prepared and NJDOT and FHWA agree that the Smart Solutions Alternative meets the original project Purpose and Need.
An Environmental Reevaluation (ER) (pdf 223k) was prepared by NJDOT
according to the FHWA procedures and guidelines to address design changes and environmental impacts from the Smart Solutions design. It was
determined that the proposed Smart Solutions plan would not result in significant changes in environmental impacts since the approval of the
original EA. It was approved by the FHWA on May 11th, 2009.
The proposed Smart Solutions alternative provides operational and safety improvements with the implementation of a one-way couple roadway system
making the most of the existing Route 23 for northbound traffic and providing a new alignment for Route 23 southbound traffic. The new
southbound Route 23 alignment will extend from the existing intersection of Route 23 and Lower Unionville Road and will follow existing right of
way of Walling Avenue to connect with and improve the intersection of Walling Avenue and Loomis Avenue (Existing Route 23). Both the north and
southbound roadways will provide one 12 foot wide traffic lane, a 10 foot wide right shoulder and a minimum five foot wide left shoulder. The
project will also include the replacement of the structure carrying existing Route 23 over Papakating Creek and a new structure carrying
proposed southbound Route 23 over existing wetlands.
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