Four-lane concept
The proposed four-lane concept would have two lanes in each direction without shoulders, similiar to the existing highway. The sidewalk on the west side of the road would be divided into a 6'-wide paved walkway area adjacent to the building and a 6'-wide paver/buffer area with decorative light poles, signage and other amenities.
A 12'-wide raised median divides the northbound and southbound traffic. Left turn lanes would intermittently take the place of the raised median. Traffic operation and safety will be improved by the installation of a new traffic signal system, including upgraded pedestrian crossing signals.

click on image to view an enlarged four-lane concept (pdf 1.7 mb)
Six-lane concept
The proposed six-lane concept would have three lanes in each direction, with one-foot wide inside shoulders and no outside shoulders. The outside lanes would be 15'-wide and would be considered bicycle-compatible. This concept features a 20'-wide median, as well as sidewalks and buffer areas along both northbound and southbound Route 21.
The median width would be intermittently reduced to provide for 12' left turn lanes.
Three pedestrian overpasses over Route 21 are recommended for the safety of those walking to school. The total sidewalk width on the southbound side of the highway would be 15'-wide and the sidewalk on the northbound side would be 18' to accommodate the pedestrian overpass ramps, sidewalk and buffer area. The six-lane concept involves a considerable widening and creates community and environmental justice, extensive right of way, and cultural impacts.

click on image to view an enlargable six-lane concept (pdf file 2.7 mb)
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