
Bergen Arches Study
Frequently Asked Questions
is the "Bergen Arches"?
The Bergen Arches is an abandoned rail corridor just
under one mile long that cuts through densely developed
Jersey City, paralleling Rt. 139 and extending from
below J.F. Kennedy Boulevard near Tonnelle Avenue to
the west and Palisades Avenue to the east. Trains last
used the arches more than thirty years ago. The Arches
were originally constructed to bring Erie Railroad passengers
to the Pavonia Avenue Terminal on the Hudson River Waterfront
in Jersey City.
did this study begin?
The Bergen Arches lie in an area rich in transportation
facilities. Major investments in the transportation
infrastructure have occurred throughout the years, and
rehabilitation of the area's main roadways are planned
or are underway. These current or proposed transportation
facilities have helped fuel the tremendous economic
and urban redevelopment that has taken place along the
Hudson Riverfront. As this trend continues, the transportation
network should be improved in a way such that it is
capable of addressing the area's transportation needs.
The Bergen Arches provides a valuable opportunity to
provide a new linkage in this rapidly redeveloping region,
promoting future economic growth and enhanced regional
is the purpose of the Bergen Arches Study?
The principal purpose of this study is to determine
the best use or uses for the Bergen Arches right-of-way.
Among the alternatives that will be explored are using
the right-of-way for freight movement, constructing
a mass transit facility, creating a new roadway to provide
an alternative route into downtown Jersey City, or a
combination of these alternatives. None of these alternatives
are currently favored over others. Through extensive
community involvement and exhaustive data collection
and analysis, the study will identify an alternative(s)
that would be buildable, environmentally acceptable,
and achieves a wide degree of community support. These
acceptable alternatives will then be subject to further
study to determine their feasibility.
will the "best use" be determined?
The study will determine the current and future transportation
needs of the area and identify important economic, environmental,
and community factors. Different alternatives or concepts
will be developed that will be analyzed to see how well
they meet the region's mobility needs while still respecting
identified constraints. The evaluation of the alternatives
will be conducted in an open and cooperative manner,
ensuring that all stakeholders are able to express their
opinions, ideas, and concerns.
is involved in "Concept Development"?
The Bergen Arches project team will determine current
and future transportation needs for the area based on
extensive data collection, analysis, and fieldwork.
This data will permit the development of a set of improvement
concepts or alternatives. The concept development process
will focus on the range of transportation systems considering
each system's use of the Bergen Arches right-of-way
as a means to pass through the region, and their connectivity
to other existing or proposed transportation networks
in the area. These alternatives will address a broad
range of transportation issues, and possibly integrate
highway, transit, and freight aspects.
is a Congestion Management System (CMS) Study?
A Congestion Management System Study is a process to
help develop and implement cost-effective strategies
to alleviate congestion and enhance mobility for new
and existing transportation facilities. The CMS study
covers all reasonable travel demand reduction and traffic
demand strategies that can reduce congestion.
will this study be completed?
The study is anticipated to be completed in 18 months.
Improvement concepts that best meet the study's goals
and objectives and adequately address transportation
needs, are environmentally acceptable, and enjoy community
support will be advanced for further study.
can I express my opinions or concerns?
We welcome your comments, concerns, and suggestions.
This web site has an online feedback form that allows
you to express your ideas. Additionally, information
on public meetings and workshops will be periodically
posted on the web site. We encourage your attendance
at these events so that we may get your feedback and
address any concerns or suggestions you may have.