Cultural Resources
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) initiated a cultural resources investigation of properties impacted by the widening of First Street in Newark in 1998 as part of the I-280 University Heights Connector project. Cultural resources are historically or architecturally important structures such as buildings, bridges, cemeteries, or monuments; landscapes; or archaeological sites.
Federal law protects places of historic and architectural value, and if they are affected by a federally funded project, measures must be taken to mitigate, or lessen, the damage. In lieu of any property damage or the absence of preservation in place, the properties are fully recorded, an archaeological excavation is performed to recover data, and new structure designs are sensitive to the historic context.
One of the laws that cover the University Heights Connector project is the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. The New Jersey Historic Preservation Office advises the NJDOT about compliance with Section 106.
The University Heights Connector project requires full archaeological excavations on eight historic house lots along the north side of First Street. An architecturally important historic building, at 400-406 Central Avenue, was documented in photographs prior to its demolition.

22-30 First Street in 1998. The houses, built
in the 1870s and 80s were demolished in 2007.