
Route 9 and 35 Victory Circle Elimination Project
Sayreville, Middlesex County
Frequently Asked Questions
What's going on?
Victory Circle
The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) is completing the reconstruction and elimination of the Victory Circle. A new bridge was constructed on Route 9 to carry Route 9 traffic over an extension of Route 35/Chevalier Avenue. The current circle is being replaced by a modified diamond interchange with three traffic signals and more travel lanes through the interchange.

Victory Circle - Final Configuration
will this work be completed?
Spring 2006
is the cost?
Victory Circle Elimination - $17.5 million
is the work being done?
Victory Circle is being
eliminated because it is obsolete
and does not meet current
traffic demands.
The Victory Circle Elimination will continue the three lanes in each direction to Andrejewski Drive, thereby eliminating the bottleneck.
will traffic be impacted during
Victory Circle, a new bridge
about 200 feet long is being
constructed to carry Route
9 over the realigned Route
35. Temporary bridges will
be constructed over the existing
circle to maintain traffic
during construction. Ramps
will be reconstructed in stages,
maintaining one lane of traffic
and a shoulder at all times.
Traffic will be detoured to
temporary diversionary roadways,
with all existing connections
maintained. When the new bridge
and ramps are completed, traffic
will be shifted to the proposed
alignment, the traffic signals
will be operational and the
existing bridges will be demolished.
circle work began in Spring
Two lanes will be maintained
along Route 9 in each direction
during peak commuter hours.
Rubbernecking delays are expected.
Construction will be completed
by Winter 2005.
vanpooling and riding buses
and trains are encouraged
to reduce congestion. Call
1-800-245-POOL for free ridesharing
How can motorists get information?
- Variable message signs
- Radio traffic reports
- NJ Commuter
more information, please contact
Resident Engineer Bob Hritz
of the Victory Circle Elimination
at (732) 727-7840.