
Proposed intersection
Based on traffic studies
and analyses, the following
local intersections will
be modified to increase safety
and relieve congestion:
- Kearney
Street at Rutherford
Avenue - Rutherford
Avenue between Kearney
Street and Park Avenue
will be revised to
one-way eastbound only;
new signs and pavement
- Riverside
Avenue at Route 3 westbound
ramps - New
signs and pavement
markings will be installed
in this area.
- Marginal
Road at Stuyvesant
Avenue - Marginal
Road between Riverside
Avenue and Park Avenue
will be revised to
one-way westbound only.
New signs and pavement
markings will also
be installed.
- Park
Avenue at Rutherford
Avenue/Stuyvesant Avenue
- New signal
phasing installed at
this intersection will
match intersection
geometry and signal
upgrade. The upgraded
signal will be designed
and operated in conjunction
with the new signal
at Park Avenue and
Marginal Road. Signal
control will be operated
as part of an overall
interconnected signal
system on both sides
of Route 3.
- Park
Avenue at Marginal
Road - A new
signal will be designed
and operated in conjunction
with upgraded signal
at Park Avenue and
Rutherford Avenue.
Signal control will
be operated as part
of an overall interconnected
signal system on both
sides of Route 3. New
lane assignments and
signals will improve
intersection operation
and safety.
- Route
3 eastbound entrance
ramp at Rutherford
Avenue - This
ramp will be relocated
from Ridge Road vicinity
to a location west
for longer acceleration/merge
lane on Route 3 eastbound.
- Route
3 westbound entrance
ramp at Marginal Road
- New signs
and pavement markings
will be installed as
well as a longer acceleration/merge
lane on Route 3 westbound.
- Ridge
Road at Rutherford
Avenue - An
upgraded signal will
be designed and operated
in conjunction with
the new signal at Ridge
Road and Marginal Road/Barrows
Avenue. Signal control
will be operated as
part of an overall
interconnected signal
system on both sides
of Route 3.
- Ridge
Road at Marginal Road/Barrows
Avenue - A new
signal will be designed
and operated in conjunction
with an upgraded signal
at Ridge Road and Rutherford
Avenue. Signal control
will be operated as
part of an overall
interconnected signal
system on both sides
of Route 3. Bringing
the Barrows Avenue
approach under signal
control will enhance
intersection safety
and traffic flow efficiency.
- Orient
Way at Rutherford Avenue
- An upgraded
signal will be designed
and operated in conjunction
with the upgraded signal
at Orient Way and Barrows
Avenue/Service Road.
Signal control will
be operated as part
of an overall interconnected
signal system on both
sides of Route 3. Elimination
of the existing fifth
leg of the current
intersection will improve
overall intersection
safety and traffic
flow with the removal
of the driveway to
the cemetery which
is at the southeast
corner of the intersection.
- Orient
Way and Barrows Avenue/Thomas
E. Dunn Memorial Highway
- A new signal
will be designed and
operated in conjunction
with the upgraded signal
at Orient Way at Rutherford
Avenue. Signal control
will be operated as
part of an overall
interconnected signal
system on both sides
of Route 3.
Structural improvements
All of the bridges carrying
or crossing Route 3 will
be affected by the proposed
roadway improvements. During Final
Scope Development, the
extent of rehabilitation
or replacement necessary
was studied. Both the required
final structure and the best
way to construct it while
maintaining traffic have
been addressed.
Route 3 over the Passaic River
The major bridge is a movable span
over the Passaic River. It requires
frequent maintenance repairs to the
concrete slab decks on the approach
spans, and to the open steel grating
deck on the movable span. These repairs
require lane closures and, as a result,
will severely restrict traffic. A bridge
opening has not been needed in almost
20 years because marine traffic has
The bridge was not designed to support
current or anticipated highway vehicles.
Another major problem is that the structure
was originally designed to carry two
lanes of traffic in each direction.
To accommodate the substantial increase
in traffic through the years, the shoulders
on the road and bridge were converted
into an additional lane in each direction.
Since the on and off ramps to Route
21 in Clifton and Riverside Avenue
in Rutherford are immediately adjacent
to the bridge, there are no acceleration
or deceleration lanes; ramp traffic
enters and exits directly from a through
Since the bridge cannot be
rehabilitated to provide for
current highway geometric and
safety standards, replacement
is the preferred alternative.
This bridge will be replaced
in stages, one direction at
a time. A permit for a fixed
bridge was issued in May 2010
by the United States Coast
Guard. This will result in
the bridge requiring less maintenance
in the future.
The bridge
profile is being lowered
substantially and will result
in better sight distance and
a reduction in noise and visual
impacts for residents along
Route 3 in Rutherford and Lyndhurst.
Route 3 over NJ TRANSIT
The bridge over the NJ TRANSIT railroad
in Clifton must be replaced in stages
to provide for the current required
vertical clearance over the tracks.
The NJ TRANSIT bridge will not need
to be as wide as the Preliminary
Design required.
Local streets over
Route 3 in Rutherford
The Preliminary Design
required replacement of
the bridges carrying three
local streets (Park Avenue,
Ridge Road and Orient Way)
over Route 3 in Rutherford
to provide sufficient strength
to support current and
anticipated vehicle designs,
and accommodate geometric
improvements, including
vertical clearance on Route
With the implementation
of the "smart
sized" alternative, Park
Avenue Bridge over Route 3 was
advanced to a separate contract
to distribute costs over a longer
period and receive more competitive
bids. The construction contract
was awarded in
Summer 2008. Traffic was maintained
for local streets during construction
by demolishing half the bridge
at a time and use of a temporary
pedestrian bridge. The new bridge
was built half at a time
with traffic using a portion
of the existing bridge during
Stage 1. Horizontal alignment
of the local streets will be
maintained. Utility service will
be maintained during construction.
As part of the contract the entrance
ramp to Route 3 westbound west
of Park Avenue was closed, and
will remain closed until Stage
2 construction.
Replacement of the Orient Way
and Ridge Road bridges
has been deferred. This results
in cost savings and eliminates
the need for costly utility work.
Shoulders will be widened and
noise walls built in anticipation
of future replacement of these
bridges. Since the Ridge Road
Bridge will remain, there is
no longer room to construct the
acceleration lane for the Route
3 eastbound on-ramp from Rutherford
Avenue. Thus the on-ramp must
be moved further to the west
to provide standard length acceleration
Other bridges to be modified
or replaced include:
- Route 3 over River Road
- Route 3 over Lower Pond
Major design changes along the
corridor, including speed reduction,
lane configurations and lower structural
profile enable these bridges to
be widened and/or rehabilitated,
rather than replaced.
A new bridge will be required
to carry Route 3 over the Route
21 ramps in Clifton.
Roadway Improvements
Route 3 was originally constructed
almost 60 years ago in the 1940s,
using design standards in effect
at the time, to accommodate anticipated
future traffic needs and volumes.
At present, the road's geometric
features, combined with large traffic
volumes, result in problems with
sight distance, access from other
roads and businesses and lack of
sufficient shoulders to provide for
emergency conditions. In addition,
the accident rate (based on current
available accident data) in the Rutherford
portion is above the statewide average.
Proposed improvements will provide
a roadway with lane and shoulder widths
that conform to current safety standards
and a vertical profile that will provide
acceptable site distance for motorists.
Access to Route 3 will be improved
by designing acceleration and deceleration
lanes that also conform to current
While changes to the roadway
width and profile will
be substantial, a review
has assured that during
construction traffic can
be maintained on Route