
Project Description
To achieve safety and non-congested roadways on Route 1&9/Route 35 in Woodbridge Township, the New Jersey Department of Transportation proposed to:
- Replace the Route 1&9 bridge over Route 35;
- Reconfigure the interchange of Route 1&9 and Route 35;
- Widen Route 1&9 through the interchange from four to six total standard lanes with shoulders or auxiliary lanes, from the existing two through lanes in each direction.
Route 1&9 bridge over Route 35 |
- Widen Route 35 within the project limits - Roanoke Street to Washington/Remsen Avenue in Woodbridge Township - to provide a total of four through lanes with outside shoulders or auxiliary lanes.
Travel patterns
- Maintain two northbound and southbound travel lanes to traffic on Route 1&9 and Route 35 during construction.
- Maintain access between Route 1&9 and Route 35 both north and south, throughout construction.
- Maintain access to all commercial and residential properties within the project limits through the course of the project.
- Encourage motorists carpool, vanpool or to take public transportation when possible.