Alternate Routes
Route 1 northbound and southbound motorists will be prevented from making left turns and U-turns at the Washington Road signalized intersection.
Preferred alternate routes:
- Route 1 northbound motorists wanting to make a left turn onto Washington Road can make a U-turn at the Scudders Mill Road interchange then use Route 1 southbound to Washington Road.
- Route 1 northbound motorists wanting to make a U-turn can use the Route 1 northbound off-ramp to Alexander Road westbound then take the ramp to Route 1 southbound.
- Route 1 southbound motorists wanting
to make a left turn onto Washington
Road or a U-turn can use Route 1
southbound via the U-turn ramp at
the Alexander Road interchange then
Route 1 northbound to Washington

(click to enlarge)
Route 1 northbound motorists will be prevented from making left turns and U-turns at the Harrison Street signalized intersection.
Preferred alternate routes:
- Route 1 northbound motorists wanting to make a left turn onto Harrison Street or a U-turn can use Route 1 northbound via the
U-turn ramp at the Scudders Mill Road interchange then use Route 1 southbound to Harrison Street.

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In support of the trial turn restrictions, the following steps are also being taken:
- Restrict the right turn movement
from Route 1 northbound into Varsity
Avenue (the right turn movement from
Varsity Avenue onto Route 1 northbound
will still be permitted).

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- Restrict all movements into Fisher Place which include the right turn from Route 1 northbound and the movement from the Route 1 southbound jug handle into Fisher Place.
- Restrict the left turn movement from Fisher Place onto Route 1 southbound.
- The right turn movement from Fisher Place onto Route 1 northbound will still be permitted as will the Route 1 southbound
U-turn onto Route 1 northbound via the jug handle.

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- The Sarnoff Access Driveway (opposite Harrison Street) will permit only the right turn movement from this driveway onto Route 1 northbound (movements into the Sarnoff Access Driveway will still be permitted from Route 1 northbound and Harrison Street).

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