The Route 18 Bridge over Route 1 Reconstruction Project will be constructed in nine separate stages. To address the most significant part of the project - superstructure replacement - the New Jersey Department
of Transportation (NJDOT) has incorporated Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) methodology. This involves the use of rapidly deployed moveable construction barrier curb and prefabricated bridge superstructure units (PSU) delivered to the site and erected by crane. This will allow the superstructure to be replaced within approximately ten weekends of around the clock work scheduled from May 2015 to August 2015. Short detours were implemented during scheduled work weekends during Summer 2015.
Work during the nine stages will be accomplished during daytime and nighttime hours. The number of available travel lanes will vary, depending upon the time of day or night and construction activity.

Construction on the Route 202 Passaic River
bridge replacement project uses ABC methodology.
Stages 1, 2 and 3: (Completed)
Construction activities included:
- Clearing the site
- Relocation of aerial utilities
- Installation of temporary pavement for median crossover for traffic shift on Route 18
- Removal of center median barrier east of Paulus Boulevard on Route 18
- Widening of the abutments and piers of Route 18 Bridge over Route 1
- Widening of Route 18 northbound from Westons Mill Pond to Ramp D
- Deployment of moveable construction barrier curb
During Stages 1, 2 and 3 there are allowable hours for lane and shoulder closures that will only be permitted during certain times.

Stages 1, 2 and 3 (pdf 223k)
Stages 4 and 5 (weekend work): (Completed)
Stages 4 and 5 occurred over a period of six weekends. Stage 4 involved the demolition and replacement of the superstructure for the Route 18 Bridge over Ramp E.
During weekends, Route 18 traffic was shifted: two lanes of traffic was maintained in each direction on Route 18 throughout the weekend except during periods of brief stoppages (approximately 15 minutes) for deliveries, removal of demolished superstructures and erection of PSUs. Route 18 northbound traffic was split: one lane remained on the northbound side and one lane used the southbound side via a temporary crossover.
A similar traffic pattern was established for Stage 5 when replacing the superstructure for the Route 18 Bridge over Route 1.
Stages 4 and 5 necessitated the closure of Ramp E (Route 1 southbound to Route 18 southbound) and the portion of Ramp F that connects Route 1 northbound to Route 18 northbound during weekend hours. Detour 1 was utilized when Ramp E was closed. Detour 2 was utilized when Ramp F was closed.
During Stages 4 and 5 there are allowable hours for lane and shoulder closures and will only be permitted during certain times.
Note: The portion of Ramp F that leads to Exxon, New Brunswick Car Wash and Tunison Road will remain open during these weekends.

Stages 4 and 5 (pdf 281k)
Stage 6: (Completed)
Stage 6 occurred over a period of four weekends. Stage 6 involved the replacement of the superstructure for Route 18 southbound over Route 1. Similar to Stages 4 and 5, a crossover lane was implemented to maintain two lanes of traffic in each direction. However, for Stage 6 the crossover lane was placed on the northbound side of Route 18. Work began on the inner span of Route 18 southbound and traffic waw shifted to the outer lane as well as the crossover lane.
Stage 6 necessitated the closure of Ramp E during weekend hours. Detour 1 was utilized when Ramp E was closed.
During Stage 6 there are allowable hours for lane and shoulder closures and will only be permitted during certain times.

Stage 6 (pdf 257k)
Stages 7, 8 and 9: (Completed)
Stage 7 included the installation of bridge approach slabs, removal of the temporary crossovers and restoration of the existing Route 18 median area.Stages 7 and 8 involved the reconstruction of Ramp D including the retaining wall to support the new ramp. The work included excavating, widening and resurfacing. During Stage 8, Ramp D was closed for approximately one weekend. Detour 2 was utilized when Ramp D was closed. Stage 9 included the removal of the existing ramp and installation of landscaping.
During Stages 7, 8 and 9 there were allowable hours for lane and shoulder closures and will only be permitted during certain times.

Stages 7, 8 and 9 (pdf 253k)