
Project Description
To improve safety and reduce traffic congestion within and adjacent to the Route 17/Essex Street interchange in Lodi Borough, Maywood Borough, and Rochelle Park Township, Bergen County, the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) proposes to: |
Essex Street Bridge over Route 17 |
- Replace the Essex Street Bridge (circa 1934) over Route 17.
- Replace the concrete box culvert (circa 1911) that carries Lodi Brook under Essex Street, west of Route 17.
- Reconfigure the interchange (pdf 949k) of Route 17/Essex Street.
- Lengthen and widen exit ramps from Route 17 to increase capacity and alleviate traffic backups down the ramps onto Route 17.
- Widen Route 17 through the interchange from four to six total lanes with shoulders and auxiliary acceleration/deceleration lanes at entrance/exit ramps.
- Widen Essex Street from the vicinity of Maywood Avenue to the vicinity of Riverview Avenue to provide four travel lanes and a center lane to facilitate left turns onto intersecting roadway and properties.
- Widen Maywood Avenue approaching Essex Street to provide designated turning lanes.
- Construct new or replacement traffic signals along Essex Street that will join an interconnected traffic signal system maintained by Bergen County at the following intersections:
- Maywood Avenue and Route 17 northbound ramps
- Commercial driveway just west of Route 17
- Route 17 southbound ramps and municipal parking lot
- Riverview Avenue to and from I-80
- Improve drainage throughout the area to alleviate flooding.
- Eliminate access driveways along ramps by creating shared access where feasible and constructing a new Lodi Municipal Parking Lot on the south side of Essex Street, west of Route 17, for adjacent businesses.
- Construct pedestrian sidewalks on both sides of Essex Street.
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