
Route 1/130/Georges Road Interchange Reconstruction
North Brunswick, Middlesex County
New Routes 1 and 130 intersection in New Brunswick
officially opened on July 2, 2003
The purpose of this project is to improve local and regional safety and to enable traffic to flow freely on Routes 1 and 130.
The roadways are heavily traveled regional routes used by more than 130,000 motorists each day.
NJDOT will remove the previously modified traffic circle and the existing traffic signal on Routes 1 and 130 and replace it with a flyover that
directly connects Route 1 southbound to Route 130 southbound and Route 130 Northbound to Route 1 northbound.
We will build four bridges, a noise wall and retaining walls, widen the road, grade, pave, improve |
drainage and lighting and relocate utilities. This $83 million project spans one mile on Route 1, 1.3 miles on Route 130 and a quarter of a
mile on Georges Road (Route 171).
The 18-month contract contains a $1.7 million incentive to finish six months earlier. All efforts will be made to curtail the length of this
contract and alleviate construction impacts on motorists, local residents and local businesses.
For transit, ridesharing information, call:
Keep Middlesex Moving
New Jersey Department of Transportation