
Route I-295 Pavement Improvements
Cherry Hill and Mount Laurel Townships
The construction on this project has been completed
This portion of I-295, constructed in the early 1960s, has suffered ongoing deterioration. The purpose of this $58 million
project is to improve the existing pavement and do other related upgrades. Work began in December 2002 and was deemed to meet the final
completion date on December 27, 2004.
The NJDOT design was based on full-scale pavement evaluation and a Life Cycle Cost Analysis. The |
project calls for a full-depth flexible pavement
reconstruction for half the length and pavement overlay for the remaining half of this section of I-295. This will provide uniform pavement and
The improvements also include bridge widening, highway lighting, drainage and intelligent transportation system facilities. Full inside shoulders
will be provided for use by disabled vehicles and emergency response teams.
The contract contains $1.5 million incentive to finish three months earlier. The potential bonus for early completion was not achieved, however,
the contractor met the criteria for substantial completion by the end of October 2004.