
Mobility and Community Form
The planning approach of Mobility and Community Form (MCF) connects transportation and land use and helps to determine how communities should be
built. Combining and balancing land use and transportation goals in one municipal master plan can eliminate land use and circulation
The MCF Element:
- Includes the Municipal Land Use Law’s (MLUL) required and suggested contents for the land use and circulation elements in order to meet
minimum standards of the law
- Manages infrastructure development (transportation, utility services, and community facilities) by complementing and supporting land
- Uses a “walk, ride, drive” approach to develop a full range of community transportation options
- Creates a roadway classification system that connects roadway scale and function to the type and intensity of surrounding land uses
- Encourages specific types of activities and discourages others by influencing the built form of the community
- Is graphically oriented, so that everyone can visualize its concepts and principles
- Establishes the framework for implementation of a new type of development code that replaces traditional subdivision and zoning codes,
including the Residential Site Improvement Standards.
The Key Elements of the MCF include:
- MCF Transect, which represents the basic patterns of social and economic activity that occur throughout New
Jersey, from the natural to the urban realm.
- MCF Patterns, the guiding principles for the seven basic building blocks of Mobility and Community Form. The
seven patterns are:
- Circulation
- Shopping Streets
- Parking
- Transit Stops
- Neighborhoods
- Public Place
- Natural Environment
- MCF Guide explains the process of linking transportation and land use in the municipal master plan. The guide
provides methods for assessing current community forms and activity patterns and defines the seven patterns for achieving a more balanced
community form. In addition, the Guide offers methods to create and implement a community vision for linking mobility and community form, and
opportunities for municipalities to work with their neighbors and state partners.