
Transportation Capital Program Fiscal Year 2007
The following serves as a guide to terms used in the capital plan:
Phases of Work | Funding Categories | DOT Funding Categories
NJ Transit Funding Categories | Project Categories
Metropolitan Planning Organizations
Phases of Work 
This classification indicates the stage of development of a project as it moves through the "project development pipeline."
Planning Study (PLS)
A phase or type of work involving traffic studies needs analyses, corridor studies, and other work preparatory to project development.
See also “Concept Development.”
Concept Development (CD, LCD)
A phase or type of work involving traffic studies needs analyses, corridor studies, and other work preparatory to project development. CD
denotes NJDOT concept development; LCD denotes concept development by a local entity (MPO, county, municipality).
The purpose of concept development is to deliver projects to Feasibility Assessment with a well-defined need and a recommended concept that has
been environmentally screened and has received community support. Concept development includes the following major elements:
- early and intensive public involvement
- an evaluation of project need
- an analysis of physical deficiencies
- environmental screening
- evaluation of alternative strategies/fulfillment of CMS requirements
- definition of potential concepts, limits and/or complimentary strategies as well as staging and phasing opportunities
- address community design/aesthetic opportunities
- order of magnitude cost estimate
The concept development Process is divided into the following four phases:
- Background Research and Work Program Development
- Problem Identification and Project Need
- Congestion Management Strategies and Fulfilling Congestion Management System (CMS) Requirements
- Concept Development and Analysis
Feasibility Assessment (FA, LFA)
A phase or type of work intended to develop feasible project proposals that produce the best balance among transportation needs, environmental
values, public concerns and costs. The end products of scoping are: a recommended scheme with a realistic cost estimate; an approved
environmental document; reasonable assurance that environmental permits can be obtained; community support, or documentation explaining why
such support cannot reasonably be obtained; and identification of right of way (ROW) needs and costs. Scoping consists of two phases in
NJDOT: Feasibility assessment and final scope development. FA denotes feasibility assessment by NJDOT; LFA denotes local feasibility
assessment by a local entity (MPO, county, municipality).
Feasibility assessment is the first phase of scoping, during which the Division of Project Planning and Development performs sufficient
engineering to determine whether the concept emerging from concept development can be feasibly evolved into a project in light of environmental
and community constraints and issues. If it cannot be reasonably demonstrated that environmental approvals and community support are
forthcoming, the concept will neither become a project, nor pass into the Five-Year Capital Program.
During feasibility assessment, project schemes that balance project objectives against environmental, community, engineering and budget
constraints are developed. If alternatives which can resolve the problem to full engineering standards in light of constraints cannot be
developed, then a full range of design and alignment alternatives will be considered, including those which back off desirable standards and
instead meet minimum standards, which drop below minimum standards, or even those which do not achieve one or more of the project goals.
In essence, the Division of Project Planning and Development (DPPD) will systematically “ratchet down” project expectations until a good fit
between engineering goals and environmental and political considerations are achieved. This will lead to the development of what has been
termed as the Initially Preferred Alternative (IPA).
During feasibility assessment, the community involvement will generally be limited to coordination with municipal staff and officials,
although, if deemed necessary, the Department may decide to conduct the public meetings normally reserved for preliminary design. This
may include the obtaining of the actual resolution of support from the community governing body.
Feasibility assessment will culminate in a presentation to the Screening Committee regarding the potential project. The Screening Committee’s
recommendations will be presented to the Capital Program Committee for approval. If deemed a worthy project, the project will be assigned to
a Project Manager and entered into the pool of projects for preliminary design. If the project is determined to be “fatally flawed,” it will
be recommended for termination, or recycled for reconsideration as part of a further concept development.
Preliminary Design (PD, LPD)
Preliminary design is the process of advancing preliminary engineering and obtaining formal community and environmental approval of the
Initially Preferred Alternative. PD denotes preliminary design by NJDOT; LPD denotes local preliminary design by a local entity (MPO, county,
During preliminary design, the Project Manager who was liaison for the Feasibility Assessment phase will assume full control of the project.
A number of activities will be simultaneously set in motion, based on the Initially Preferred Alternative (IPA): community involvement,
environmental documentation, and design services.
To obtain the formal community involvement buy-in, a public meeting will generally be arranged, which may lead to some minor adjustments to the
project’s scope. Ultimately, the local officials will be asked to provide a resolution of support endorsing the project.
To obtain the environmental approvals for the IPA, consultation with outside agencies, such as the State Historic Preservation Office may be
necessary. The approved environmental document will be based on technical studies conducted by the environmental teams within the Division of
Environmental Resources, and will generally consist of a Categorical Exclusion. The preliminary design phase will not be considered complete
until the environmental document is approved.
The preliminary design conducted during this phase will be initiated to facilitate later final design activities. They will be based on the
IPA, and consist of, among other things: development of base plans for final design; development of geometric design sufficiently to clarify
environmental impacts and to define right-of-way parcels; utilities discovery and verification; geotechnical studies
(soil borings and analysis); preliminary drainage work; and development of property acquisition cost estimates.
Project Development PRD
A phase or type of work used by NJ TRANSIT which is intended to develop feasible project proposals that produce the best balance among
transportation needs, environmental values, public concerns and costs.
Design (DES)
A phase or type of work consisting of taking a recommended solution and scope of work defined in the preliminary design phase and developing
a final design, including right-of-way and construction plans.
Design and Construction (EC)
Funding is provided for both design and construction costs.
Design and Right of Way (ER)
Funding is provided for both design and right of way costs.
Design, Right of Way and Construction (ERC)
Funding is provided for design, right of way, and/or construction costs.
Right of Way (ROW)
A phase or type of work in which the land needed to build a project is purchased.
Construction (CON)
A phase or type of work involving the actual building of a project.
Capital Acquisition (CAP)
Term used to denote the acquisition of rolling stock by NJ TRANSIT.
Statewide Investment (SWI)
NJ TRANSIT uses this designation to describe a series of coordinated smaller-scale projects in multiple locations, and in multiple phases of
work, that address a specific mobility issue.
Utility (UTIL)
In some cases, the utility relocation work associated with a project must be programmed separately from the actual construction phase of work.
These items are shown under the "Utility" category.
Funding Categories 
Projects are funded under various funding categories, depending on the type of work to be done.
DOT Funding Categories 
This federal-aid funding category provides funds for the rehabilitation or replacement of bridges defined as structurally deficient and/or
functionally obsolete according to federal definitions.
This federal-aid funding category provides funds for the rehabilitation or replacement of bridges defined as structurally deficient and/or
functionally obsolete according to federal definitions. This funding is used for bridges that are off the federal-aid system.
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ)
This federal-aid funding category was established under the federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) to support
projects which improve air quality and/or relieve congestion without adding new highway capacity. These funds are especially targeted for
states like New Jersey with serious air quality problems.
Demonstration Funds (DEMO)
Federal transportation acts sometime target specific projects in various states in addition to general programs for federal support. This
funding category includes “demonstration” funding provided under ISTEA, as well as “high priority project” funding provided under TEA-21
and SAFETEA-LU. These projects, for “demonstration” or "high priority project" funding often have special rules applying to their use.
Equity Bonus Program (EB)
This federal funding category provides funding to states based on equity considerations. These include a minimum rate of return on
contributions to the Highway Account of the Highway Trust Fund, and a minimum increase relative to the average dollar amount of apportionments
under TEA-21. Selected states are guaranteed a share of apportionments and High Priority Projects not less than the state’s average annual
share under TEA-21. This program replaced TEA-21s Minimum Guarantee Program.
Federal funds are allocated for the rehabilitation and/or development of ferry facilities throughout the state.
High Priority Projects (HPP 10, HPP 20)
Federal transportation acts sometime target specific projects in various states in addition to general programs for federal support. This
funding category includes “high priority project” funding provided under SAFETEA-LU. Designated percentages are available each year under
the federal legislation. HPP 10 project funding is available at the rate of 10%, 20%, 25%, 25% and 20% for each year of the legislation).
HPP 20 project funding is available at the rate of 20% each year of the legislation.
Highway Safety Improvements (HSIP)
The primary purpose of this federal funding category is to establish the policy for development and implementation of a comprehensive highway
safety program in each state.
Interstate Maintenance (I-Maint)
A federal-aid funding category has been established to promote resurfacing, rehabilitation, and preventive maintenance on the interstate
National Boating Infrastructure Grant Program (NBIG)
Federal funds are provided to construct, renovate, and maintain tie-up facilities for vessels that are 26 feet or more in length. Activities
eligible for funding are: construction, renovation and maintenance of public and private boating infrastructure tie-up facilities; one-time
dredging only between the tie-up facility and the already maintained channel; installation of navigational aides; application of funds to
grant administration; and funding preliminary costs.
National Highway System (NHS)
ISTEA has created a "national highway system," consisting of the interstate highway system and other key highway links. The NHS funding
category has been established to support improvement projects on this key network.
Other (OTHER)
This represents funding provided from sources other than state or federal funding. Sources could include the Port Authority of New York and
New Jersey, other state agencies, private developers, counties or municipalities.
Planning (PL, PL-FTA)
This federal-aid funding category provides funds for the federally mandated transportation planning process conducted within each Metropolitan
Planning Organization.
Rail-Highway Grade Crossing (RHC)
This is a federal funding category which is intended to develop and implement safety improvement projects to reduce the number and severity of
crashes at public highway-rail grade crossings. Eligible activities include signing and pavement markings at crossings, active warning
devices, crossing surface improvements, sight distance improvements, grade separations and the closing and consolidation of crossings.
Recreational Trails (REC. TRAILS)
New Jersey's Recreational Trails Program provides grants to public agencies and non-profit organizations for a variety of trail projects.
The NJ Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Parks and Forestry administers the program.
Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS)
This federal funding category provides funds to the states to substantially improve the ability of primary and middle school students to walk
and bicycle to school safely. The program establishes two distinct types of funding opportunities: infrastructure projects (engineering
improvements) and non-infrastructure related activities (such as education, enforcement and encouragement programs).
The "State" or "TTF" category is used to show the disposition of funding received from the New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund.
Statewide Planning and Research (SPR, SPR-FTA)
Federal law requires a percentage of funds allocated to states for highway improvements to be devoted to planning and research activities.
Surface Transportation Program (STP)
The Surface Transportation Program is a federal-aid funding category established under ISTEA, which encompasses funding previously made
available under various smaller federal-aid categories as well as a broad, flexible component. Funding must be set aside for safety (STP-SY)
and transportation enhancement (STP-TE). Sub-allocations must be made to urbanized and non-urbanized areas (STP-NJ, funding provided to NJTPA;
STP-STU, funding provided to DVRPC; STP-SJ, funding provided to SJTPO).
To Be Determined (TBD)
In the Five-Year Capital Plan, funding for the fifth year (FY 2011) has not yet been determined.
NJ Transit Funding Categories 
Transit funding categories are indicated generally by reference to federal statutory categories and are identified as follows:
CMAQ (Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality)
This federal-aid funding category was established under the federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) to support
projects which improve air quality and/or relieve congestion without adding new highway capacity. These funds are especially targeted for
states like New Jersey with serious air quality problems.
FFGA (Full Funding Grant Agreements)
FFGAs are authorized under Federal transit law and are the designate means for providing new starts funds to projects.
JARC—Job Access and Reverse Commute Program
This is a Federal Transit Administration program which provides funding for selected municipal plans that either increase job accessibility for
the most disadvantaged members of the population, or facilitate reverse commute movements (offering access to employment outside of the urban
The purpose of the New Freedom Program is to provide improved public transportation services, and alternatives to public transportation, for
people with disabilities beyond those required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).
Potential federal earmarks or unidentified non-traditional transit funds.
Section 5307
Federal Transit Administration Urbanized Area Formula Program.
Section 5309
Federal Transit Administration Fixed-Guideway Modernization Program
Section 5309D
Federal Transit Administration—Federal Congressional earmarks to projects.
S5310 (Section 5310)
Programs for Elderly and Persons with Disabilities—Federal funds are provided for the purchase of small buses or van-type vehicles with lifts
for private or non-profit agencies that serve the elderly and persons with disabilities. (Formerly known as the Section 16 Program)
S5311 (Section 5311)
Non-urbanized Area Formula Program—Federal funding is provided for rural public transportation programs. (Formerly known as the Section 18
The "State" or "TTF" category is used to show the disposition of funding received from the New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund.
Surface Transportation Program (STP)
The Surface Transportation Program is a federal-aid funding category established under ISTEA, which encompasses funding previously made
available under various smaller federal-aid categories as well as a broad, flexible component. Funding must be set aside for transportation
enhancement (STP-TE).
Project Categories 
For the purpose of program planning and analysis, transportation improvements are classified into categories, generally defined by the type
of "product" they produce. This classification system improves the department's ability to develop system objectives and performance
measurements. These classifications are:
Bridge Preservation
This classification includes work, which is designed to keep the existing bridges functioning, and in a state of good repair, including work
which rehabilitates or replaces existing bridges to current design standards. Program categories within this classification include bridge
rehabilitation and replacement, bridge capital maintenance, bridge management, local bridges, NJ TRANSIT bridges, and railroad overhead
Bridge and Roadway Preservation
This classification includes work which is designed to keep both existing bridges and roadway in a state of good repair. Under this category,
in addition to roadway improvements, existing bridges within the project limits will be rehabilitated or replaced, bringing bridges to current
design standards.
Capital Program Delivery
This classification includes a variety of activities that provide direct support to the capital program pipeline. Program categories within
this classification include program implementation costs, planning program and studies, project scoping and design, right of way and utility,
construction, unanticipated expenses, project cost settlement, and transportation grants, corridor studies.
Capital Program Support
This classification includes a variety of “overhead” type activities that indirectly contribute to the project pipeline. Program categories
within this classification include facilities and equipment, contractor support, operational support.
Congestion Relief
This classification encompasses work that improves the flow of people and goods along transportation corridors. Specific programs under this
heading include highway operational improvements, bottleneck widening, missing links, major widening, intelligent transportation systems,
demand management, and congestion management system.
Intermodal Programs
This classification includes work that addresses improvements/provisions for alternative modes of transportation. Program categories within
this classification include aviation, goods movement, bicycle/pedestrian, ferries, paratransit, intermodal connections, rail, maritime and
other modes.
Local Aid
This classification provides for development and implementation of transportation improvements on the local roadway network. Program
categories within this classification include local aid to counties, local aid to municipalities, local aid discretionary, local aid other
programs, economic development, local roadway improvements, bicycle/pedestrian, regional planning and project development.
Quality of Life
This classification includes work which is designed to enhance the environment associated with, or impacted by, transportation improvements.
Program categories within this classification include transportation enhancements, noise walls, landscape, air quality, signs, wetland
mitigation, environmental remediation and rest areas.
Roadway Preservation
This classification includes work that is designed to keep the existing highway system functioning and in a state of good repair, including
work which upgrades segments of the system to current design standards. Program categories within this classification include highway
rehabilitation and reconstruction, highway resurfacing, highway capital maintenance, drainage, truck size and weight control, pavement
management system, interagency agreements and dams.
This classification includes work that is designed to improve safety for the traveling public on the existing highway system. Program
categories within this classification include safety improvements, safety management, and safety capital maintenance, rockfall mitigation.
Metropolitan Planning Organizations 
Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) are planning organizations that serve as the forum for cooperative transportation decision making
for metropolitan planning areas as required by federal regulations. MPOs consist of representatives of state and local governments and major
transportation agencies. There are three MPOs in New Jersey:
DVRPC - Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission.
The MPO covering the counties of Mercer, Burlington, Camden, and Gloucester.
NJTPA - North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority. The MPO covering the counties of Bergen, Essex, Hudson,
Hunterdon, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union, and Warren.
SJTPO - South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization. The MPO covering the counties of Cape May, Atlantic, Cumberland, and Salem.