
Transportation Capital Program Fiscal Year 2007
The Transportation Capital Program for Fiscal Year 2007 describes all the capital investments planned by the New Jersey Department of
Transportation (NJDOT) and NJ TRANSIT for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2006. This program is the product of extensive, ongoing
participation by the state’s three metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) and a wide variety of stakeholders. A companion document,
“Capital Investment Strategy, Fiscal Years 2007-2011,” puts these investments in the context of longer-term goals for improving New
Jersey’s transportation system. The capital program pursues the goals set out in the capital investment strategy. This report also
contains the draft five-year program for both NJDOT and NJ TRANSIT.
This $3.2 billion program – the largest in New Jersey’s history – takes advantage of the legislation recently enacted which implements
Governor Corzine’s initiative to “reform, replenish, and grow” New Jersey’s Transportation Trust Fund. That legislation provides for
stable state transportation funding for a five-year period at an increased level of $1.6 billion per year.
NJDOT’s program is a balanced investment plan which advances the objectives of our capital investment strategy. The program:
- Significantly increases spending for projects and programs which promote the safety of motorists and pedestrians (“Safety First”)
- Significantly increases investments in bridge and roadway preservation
- Promotes Smart Growth through targeted investments, including developing new ways of fighting congestion through new initiatives
- Continues to accelerate the project delivery process through the Hyper-Build initiative
- Implements the Trust Fund reform provisions of the Governor’s plan by removing “operating” type programs from the Trust Fund program.
NJ TRANSIT’s $1.31 billion Fiscal Year 2007 Capital Program continues the agency’s “Back to Basics” approach; investing in core transit
infrastructure to maintain the State’s rail, bus and light rail system at a State of Good Repair. The Program provides $338 million in
debt service payments for prior rolling stock purchases and light rail expansion projects; $356 million to subsidize operations; and
$521 million targeted at fundamental capital needs. The program also includes $95 million in federal and other funds earmarked for
specific projects and programs administered by NJ TRANSIT. The Fiscal Year 2007 NJ TRANSIT Capital Program will continue to support
the ongoing effort to bring the state’s transit system to a state of good repair, ensuring safe, reliable and sustainable transit
service for the state’s residents.
Program Highlights
- The program provides funding for state and local bridge needs of approximately $525 million, an increase of about $150 million over
last year. Bridge investments range from funding for high-cost bridges to implementation of a variety of rehabilitation programs, including
safety upgrades for our movable bridges.
- The program also provides significantly increased funding for highway pavement resurfacing and rehabilitation work, focusing especially
on fixing deteriorated sections of our interstate highway network.
- Funding for safety programs is also increased. Key programs funded under NJDOT’s Safety First initiative include the Median Cross-over
Crash Prevention program, Safe Corridors (implementing improvements identified by Safety Impact Teams in high-hazard corridors), the Safe
Streets to Schools program, and the new Route 29 safety initiative in Mercer County.
- The program funds a balanced attack on highway congestion, with increased investment in highway operational improvements, which focus
on relieving high-congestion bottlenecks. The Emergency Service Patrol program is expanded and a new program is funded to improve the
functioning of traffic signals. Funding for highway capacity increase projects (major widenings and construction of new highways) is
limited to less than 3% of the total program in order to provide funding for lower-cost congestion relief projects and Fix-it-First
- Regarding state of good repair and reliability, the program budget allots $467 million to address many of NJ TRANSIT’s state of good
repair needs.
- The program provides ongoing funding for track replacement, bridge and tunnel inspections and improvements, security improvements,
signal system upgrades, overhead power line and electric substation upgrades and other rail station and bus terminal improvements throughout
New Jersey.
- The program addresses critical rail rolling stock overhauls and acquisitions. The program includes engineering funds to replace 230
Arrow III self-propelled 1970’s vintage rail cars. These cars operate primarily on the Northeast Corridor. NJ TRANSIT will also improve
the reliability of rail service by initiating engineering for rehabilitating 148 Comet III and IV rail cars and replacing 42 over-aged
diesel locomotives.
- The program also begins to provide funding levels to support the replacement of 1200 transit-style buses in NJ TRANSIT’s fleet over the
next seven years. These buses run primarily on intercity routes. (NJ TRANSIT cruiser and articulated buses were recently replaced.)
- This program also invests in long overdue major bridge rehabilitation projects including the rehabilitation of the 100+ year old Newark
Drawbridge, replacement of the timber approaches of the Coast Line’s Shark River Drawbridge, replacement of bridges along the Raritan
Valley Line and initiating preliminary engineering to replace the Northeast Corridor Portal Bridge.
- The program provides funding for rail station improvements at MetroPark Station, Edison Station, Newark Penn Station, PSNY 31st
Street, South Amboy Station, Little Falls Station, Waldwick Station, Watchung Avenue Station, Whitehouse Station and Wood-Ridge Station.
Improvements will also be continued with the completion of construction of the Trenton Station rehabilitation, Newark Broad Street Station
rehabilitation, Red Bank Historic restoration and high-level platforms, reconstruction of high-level platforms at Woodbridge Station, M&E
Station Improvements and Viaduct rehabilitation and Madison Station historic restoration and accessibility improvements.
- The Fiscal Year 2007 Capital Program attacks congestion through providing for park-and-ride projects. In the past year, NJ TRANSIT
has opened over 700 new spaces on Hudson Bergen Light Rail Line, 285 spaces at Allwood Road, 228 spaces at Clifton Station, 230 spaces at
Plauderville Station and 300 spaces at Rahway Station. The Fiscal Year 2007 Capital Program continues to design and construction another
1,100 new spaces at Route 23, Wayne Park and Ride; 700 spaces at Edison Station; 600 spaces at South Amboy Parking Deck; 1900 spaces at
the Hamilton Station parking deck and 50 spaces at Mount Arlington Station.
- NJ TRANSIT will also be moving forward on other critical initiatives to meet forecasted market growth and travel demand over the next
decade in New Jersey and the surrounding region, including a new trans-Hudson tunnel, the Meadowlands rail link and other planned
investments to expand core capacity of the railroad to allow for more frequent service. The program provides enough funding to advance
preliminary engineering and property acquisition for THE Tunnel project and funds the early action platform extension at New York
Penn Station. The program also provides funding for modest expansion of the system targeting funding to critical projects using an
incremental approach.
Financing our transportation needs
The Transportation Capital Program for Fiscal Year 2007 is funded at a level of $3.2 billion, including $1.9 billion programmed for use
by NJDOT and $1.3 billion by NJ TRANSIT. About 50 percent of the total program ($1.6 billion) is funded by the New Jersey Transportation
Trust Fund. The recent reauthorization of the Transportation Trust Fund will continue our ability to draw down federal funding, which
requires a state “match.” However, as the Capital Investment Strategy report shows in detail, even the current funding level falls far
short of meeting New Jersey’s documented needs for infrastructure renewal, transit extensions, local aid, and other pressing demands.