Department of Transportation

Subject Matter Experts

Capital Program Support | Highway Traffic Design | Bridge Engineering and Infrastructure Management
Right of Way and Access Management | Construction Services and Materials | Project Management

Capital Program Management
Parth Oza, Assistant Commissioner

Area SME Phone
Contract Management Viktoriya Matchin 609.963.1841

Capital Program Support
Tina Shutz, Director - 609.963.1110
The Division of Capital Program Support provides support to Capital Program Management. The Division provides quality assurance reviews and various design, administrative, regulatory and support services. The Division provides document control of baseline documents and construction and right of way plans. The Division also ensures compliance with all environmental requirements, securing environmental permits, and providing design and review services for the landscape, ecologic, socioeconomic, environmental justice, and drainage aspects of all capital projects. The Division also provides utility and jurisdictional oversight to Project Management. As well as performing Value Engineering Design, smart solution reviews, and studies on federally funded projects. The Division is also responsible for performing Railroad Diagnostic Team site reviews, issuing orders to improve railroads at-grade crossing sites and inspecting railroad at-grade crossings throughout the State and maintaining the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Railroad Database. Division staff also serve as the designated State Safety Oversight Agency (SSOA) for New Jersey and is responsible for overseeing and regulating rail transit agencies

Design Standards
Andrés Roda , Executive Manager - 609.963.1912
The Bureau of Design Standards is responsible for creating, publishing and maintaining/updating the Department’s engineering design standards, including the Standard Specifications, Standard Construction Details and various CPM manuals that are utilized by individuals involved in the design and construction of highway transportation projects. This office also provides technical input into a project’s scope, geometrics, roadside safety features (guide rail crash cushions, etc.), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, constructability, staging and project delivery method by performing design reviews on the contract documents. Further, the Bureau provides technical assistance in developing Jurisdictional Agreements and Maps, and provides design assistance to field personnel, as needed during a project’s construction phase.
#Major Tasks
Receive and evaluate nationally developed standards and procedures issued by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and other organizations for incorporation into NJDOT design documents.

Establish and facilitate cross discipline review and development teams for improvements to NJDOT design standards.

Provide quality assurance reviews for Capital projects and Major Access projects relative to the areas of geometrics, roadside safety and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Determine the geometric footprint for Capital projects, considering value, geometric standards, constructability and environmental impacts.

Review and provide comments for all Design Exception requests.

Evaluate construction staging for projects and provide Road Users Costs and Lane Occupancy Charges for contract documents.

Provide technical assistance in developing Jurisdictional Agreements and Maps.

Research and respond to jurisdictional requests.

Provide input into the review of VE Change Proposals offered by Contractors.

Create, publish and maintain NJDOT's design standards, specifications, construction details and various Capital Program Management (CPM) related manuals.

Publish Baseline Document Changes (BDC), Corrective Action Notices (CAN) and Quality Improvement Advisories (QIA) on the Department's web site.

Process and maintain Bridge, Roadway, Right of Way plans and Working Drawings for construction projects and store required drawings after completion.

Research and respond to requests for engineering documents.

Administer the FALCON Data Management System (DMS) for use by NJDOT staff.

Ensure conformance of Title 23- Code of Federal Regulations, part 627, and MAP-21, through the implementation of a Value Engineering process, which includes projects on the National Highway System receiving Federal assistance with an estimated total cost of $40 Million or more on bridge or with an estimated total cost of $50 Million or more on roadway projects.
Area SME Phone
Design Document Management Matt Schiariti 609.963.1581
Engineering Documents Matt Schiariti 609.963.1581
Roadway Standards Sowatta Seng Eap 609.963.1808
Road User Solutions Mark Hauske 609.963.1832
Jurisdiction Mark Hauske 609.963.1832
Geometric Solutions Hung Tang 609.963.1839
Value Engineering (Design) Andrés Roda 609.963.1912

Specific unit guidance:
Engineering Web site
Engineering: Design Exception Manual
Engineering: Road User Cost Manual
Engineering: Jurisdiction Manual for Highway Maintenance & Control
Capital Project Delivery, Capital Project Delivery, Value Engineering

Landscape Architecture and Environmental Solutions
Brenna Fairfax , Executive Manager - 609.963.1108
The Bureau of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Solutions supports the Department’s Statewide Capital Program by ensuring compliance with all environmental requirements, securing environmental permits, and providing design and review services for the landscape, ecologic, socioeconomic, environmental justice, and drainage aspects of all capital projects. The Division provides Landscape design for NJDOT projects and provides professional support for other Divisions within the Department relating to planting and soil stabilization. Provides all required evaluations, documents, and permits to ensure the National Environmental Policy Act and the Executive Order 215 requirements are followed. Conducts studies to avoid or minimize impacts to natural resources, cultural resources, and humans are conducted to support the NEPA documents utilized to secure federal funding and approvals. The Divisions also obtains all required environmental permits. The Division ensures all drainage, stormwater, and flood hazard requirements are met. Staff utilize modeling software, GIS, and CADD to support in providing adequate drainage and flood plain management. The Division identifies and ensures proper remediation of hazardous materials which may be encountered on NJDOT projects including the proper handling of regulated soils and asbestos abatement. This Division also certifies that NJDOT projects comply with the NJDOT Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Standards.
#Major Tasks
Provide landscape architectural services and coordinate aesthetics for all transportation projects.

Review and certify to the local Soil Conservation District that the Department’s projects comply with soil erosion control mandates and prepare Request for Authorizations (RFAs) for New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) approval.

Provide technical, design and quality control assistance of landscape architectural items during construction.

Administer the Scenic Byways Program and the Good Neighbor Planting and Roadside Rehabilitation Program.

Prepare environmental documents, including Section 4(f) evaluations and consultation with the State Historic Preservation Office regarding cultural resources to satisfy Section 106 requirements, necessary to obtain federal and State funding for Capital projects.

Obtain environmental permits from State and federal regulatory agencies; coordinate with Green Acres.

Provide hazardous waste screenings, clearances, remediation work plans and technical support during construction.

Track new and changing environmental rules, regulations and laws recommending policy changes. Develop programmatic environmental solutions.

Provide drainage related engineering review and design.

Monitor construction projects for compliance with environmental permits and approvals.

Provide drainage related engineering review and design for Access Permits, flooding studies, NJDEP Land Use Resources Permitting (LURP) permits for bridge and highway projects, hydrology and hydraulic design of bridges and culverts, stormwater management facilities, dams, etc.

Administer all aspects of New Jersey Department of Transportation's (NJDOT) asbestos surveying and remediation concerns on a statewide basis.

Develop, plan, coordinate and execute asbestos removal contracts from inception through award.
Area SME Phone
Asbestos Services Karl Bevans 609.963.1124
Environmental Solutions Brenna Fairfax 609.963.1108
Hazardous Waste Karl Bevans 609.963.1124
Hydrology and Hydraulics Vacant 609.963.1102
Landscape Architecture Nori Shepperd 609.963.1128
Rachel Dekovitch 609.963.1104
Soil Erosion Sediment Control Jayant Khetani 609.963.1107

Specific unit guidance:
Our Projects and the Environment: Publications and Resources

Utilities and Railroad Safety and Engineering
Vincenzo Martorana , Executive Manager - 609.963.1825
The Bureau of Utility Management and Railroad Safety provides subject matter expertise regarding utilities in support of Capital Program Projects and Utility Permits. The Division also coordinates Department activities with public utility owners and railroad companies to manage an effective and cost-efficient utility process and develops and maintains all the documents required to complete the relocation of utility facilities when and if required during the design and construction of the State’s highway projects. The Division also administers a safety inspection program for the transport of hazardous materials by rail, and a program for improvements to public rail crossings and administers the Placarded Rail Car Safety Inspection Program. The Unit also conducts a Diagnostic Team Review on all changes to railroad at-grade crossings, and all matters related to Quiet Zone crossing applications. The Office of Fixed Guideway is designated as the State Safety Oversight Agency (SSOA) for New Jersey and is responsible for overseeing and regulating rail transit agencies.
#Major Tasks
Area SME Phone
Utility Management James Lepri 609.963.1837
Railroad Safety Greg Spiritosanto 609.963.1860
Fixed Guideway – State Safety Oversight Agency Todd Kropilak 609.963.2090

Specific unit guidance:
Capital Project Delivery, Utility Management

Highway and Traffic Design
Robert Marshall, Senior Director - 609.963.1667
The Division of Highway and Traffic Design is responsible for the oversight of in-house design projects, preparation of in-house roadway design contract documents, preparation of maintenance work orders, providing survey support, geodetic monument control and Departmental Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) support. The Division also reviews and approves temporary and permanent traffic signals and timings, pavement markings, overhead sign structure and ground mounted locations and sign panel shop drawings, electrical underground and highway lighting and traffic control staging and detours for all capital and access permit projects. The Division investigates and designs traffic control devices at non-signalized intersections/locations related to speed limits, passing zones, stop/yield control, turn prohibitions and weights restrictions and prepares all state Traffic Regulation Orders. The Division is the liaison to the Fernwood Sign Shop/Overhead Sign Crew, the Outdoor Advertising and New Jersey Logos, Inc. (tourist oriented directional signing and logo programs). The Division also prioritizes and initiates pavement and drainage projects for both Capital Management Program (CPM) and Operations. The Division also provides and reviews pavement recommendations and specifications for CPM, Operations and developer projects, and administers skid testing and the ride quality (IRI) quality assurance testing program. The Division also provides data and analysis to support the Department's Asset Management and Capital Investment Strategy (CIS) functions.
#Major Tasks
Oversee the coordination and management of in-house design projects and deliverables of Roadway Design Groups.

Oversee the functions and deliverables of Traffic Engineering.

Oversee the functions and deliverables of the Pavement and Drainage Management and Technology bureau.

Roadway Design Group 1

Robert Abitz, Manager – 609.963.1835

Responsible for the oversight, administration and production of In-House design projects in support of the Capital Program. Provides regional survey services via in-house survey crews located in Cherry Hill and Mt. Arlington.
#Major Tasks
1. In-House Design including North and South Regional Design.
a. Provides roadway engineering design of the following functional elements for scheduled in-house design projects: horizontal and vertical geometry, slope limits, typical sections, geometric elements requiring design exceptions, cross sections, earthwork, ties and grades, pavement, guide-rail, utility design, stage construction, traffic control plans, and drainage design.
b. Coordinate/manage the multidisciplinary design efforts for In-House design projects from Preliminary Engineering through Final Design and Construction. This includes establishing Project Teams: negotiating design schedules and man-hour estimates with Project Management; developing delivery contracts for design services; production oversight, and final plan assembly.

2. Survey Services North and South
a. Provide horizontal and vertical locations of existing features
b. Provide CADD based files/maps that can be used by other design sections in the Department.
c. Performs ROW stakeouts and environmental boundary surveys.

Roadway Design Group 2

Amutha Vijayakumar, Manager - 609.963.1816

Responsible for the oversight, administration and production of In-House design projects in support of the Capital Program. Provides technical support, training and development of CADD software for all Department users. Provides survey support functions including geodetic monumentation and statewide control for the entire Department. This includes administration and coordination of all the functions of Geodetic Survey.
#Major Tasks
1. In-House Design.
a. Provides roadway engineering design of the following functional elements for scheduled in-house design projects: horizontal and vertical geometry, slope limits, typical sections, geometric elements requiring design exceptions, cross sections, earthwork, ties and grades, pavement, guide-rail, utility design, stage construction, traffic control plans, and drainage design.
b. Coordinate/manage the multidisciplinary design efforts for In-House design projects from Preliminary Engineering through Final Design and Construction. This includes establishing Project Teams: negotiating design schedules and man-hour estimates with Project Management; developing delivery contracts for design services; production oversight, and final plan assembly.

2. CADD Support and Development
This unit provides technical support, training and development of CADD software for the entire Department.
a. Responsible for the development and maintenance of CADD standards for the Department’s CADD system.
b. Provides general CADD user support; interagency and consultant coordination.
c. Develops and maintains CADD training and reference manuals.
d. Conducts In-House training for engineering and drafting applications.

3. Geodetic Survey and Survey Services Central
Survey support functions including geodetic monumentation and statewide control for the entire Department. This includes administration and coordination of all the functions of Geodetic Survey, Survey North and Survey South.
a. Sets GPS primary control for Capital Program projects.
b. Maintains and increase the density of the geodetic control network within New Jersey through GPS technology and precision leveling.
c. Provide horizontal and vertical locations of existing features
d. Provide CADD based files/maps that can be used by other design sections in the Department.
e. Performs ROW stakeouts and environmental boundary surveys.

Pavement and Drainage Management and Technology

Robert Blight, Executive Manager - 609.963.1677

The Bureau of Pavement & Drainage Management & Technology includes the Pavement, Drainage, and Guide Rail Management Unit, the Pavement Data Collection Unit, the Management Systems Planning Unit, the Management Systems Information Technology Support Unit, the Pavement Design Unit, and the Pavement Technology Unit. This Bureau is responsible for the asset management, prioritization, and initiation of pavement, drainage, and guide rail projects for both Capital Program Management (CPM) and Operations. The Bureau provides and reviews pavement evaluations, designs, construction plans, details, and specifications for CPM, Operations, and developer projects. The Bureau administers skid testing and the ride quality (IRI) quality assurance testing program for acceptance and pay adjustment of completed Department pavement projects. The Bureau provides data and analysis to support the Department's Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP), Performance Management, and Capital Investment Strategy (CIS) functions to achieve targets and goals for the state highway and national highway systems.
#Major Tasks
1. Pavement, Drainage, and Guide Rail Management
  • a. Provide predicted pavement network condition levels under various funding scenarios for Transportation Asset Management Plan, FHWA Performance Management, and Capital Investment Strategy (CIS) purposes.Perform ride quality testing on newly constructed pavements
  • b. Provide and inform senior management of the condition of New Jersey's pavement assets.
  • c. Report Drainage Management System ranking, needs, and strategy for improvements.
  • d. Report Guide Rail Management System ranking, needs, and strategy for improvements.
2. Pavement Data Collection
  • a. Annually collect network pavement condition data on the State Highway System (SHS) and National Highway System (NHS).
  • b. Perform ride quality testing on newly constructed pavements.
  • c. Perform pavement skid testing.
  • d. Maintain and calibrate pavement testing equipment to ensure compliance with state and federal standards.
3. Management Systems Planning
  • a. Prioritize pavement projects and develop annual recommended pavement program for Operations and Capital Program Management (CPM).
  • b. Prioritize and initiate drainage projects for capital improvements.
  • c. Recommend low cost, high value maintenance and drainage improvements.
  • d. Prioritize and initiate guide rail replacement projects to upgrade to current FHWA required standards.
4. Management Systems Information Technology Support
  • a. Develop and maintain the Pavement Management System, the Drainage Management System, and the Guide Rail Management System.
  • b. Develop and maintain software applications to management systems for data entry, accessing, analyzing, processing, and reporting.
  • c. Provide Bureau support for all management systems databases and software applications.
  • d. Liaise between the Bureau and various stakeholders to ensure management systems and applications are current, functioning, and updated.
  • e. Provide reports on management systems upon request of upper management.
5. Pavement Design
  • a. Prepare pavement evaluations, designs, construction plans, details, and specifications for in-house design projects.
  • b. Review and approve pavement designs, plans, and specifications for consultant designed projects.
  • c. Prepare job specific ride quality specifications for inclusion in CPM and Operations' pavement projects.
  • d. Evaluate and implement new pavement engineering technologies and technical specifications.
  • e. Provide field support to Resident Engineers for all construction projects.
6. Pavement Technology
  • a. Prepare the annual pavement report to the Governor and Legislature, and assist in .
  • b. Track and manage project development and delivery.
  • c. Assist in project management and management system updates.
  • d. Manage Pavement Engineering Services consultant agreements performing pavement project level investigations, testing, and evaluations.
  • e. Manage Pavement Support Program university agreements providing research and planning.

Traffic Engineering

Jaime Oplinger, Director - 609.963.1769

Responsible for the management of the following units: Traffic Engineering North, Traffic Engineering Central, Traffic Engineering South. Statewide Traffic Regulations, Statewide Electrical Engineering, Statewide Traffic Control/Work Zone.
#Major Tasks
1. Traffic Engineering
a. Review and approve temporary and permanent traffic signals and timings, signing and pavement markings for all Capital and Access Permit projects.
b. Provide construction services oversight for staging changes, activate temporary signals and resolve design issues in the field by direct interaction with Contractors, Resident Engineers and Electrical Inspectors.
c. Perform in-house designs of temporary and final traffic signals, pavement markings, overhead and ground mounted sign panels and text sheets.
d. Review Consultant Traffic Impact Studies, including an evaluation of the appropriate geometric and operational revisions required by the Access Code.
e. Review and approve intersection CADD files within the Capital and Access project process
f. Provide oversight of the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of Intelligent Traffic Signal Systems including the management of the Arterial Management Center.

2. Operational Signal Investigations
a. Investigate and design new/revised State highway traffic control signals, Intelligent Traffic Signal Systems, and intersection control/warning/hybrid beacons, along with all associated signs and markings, outside of the Capital and Access project process.
b. Administer the Department’s Automated Enforcement/Red Light Running Pilot Program, including the creation of the legislatively-mandated annual report.
c. Research and respond to signal information/plan requests from internal and external customers, as detailed within the New Jersey Administrative Code (NJAC 16:27-5.1).
d. Provide support to Maintenance Engineering regarding operational certifications, as detailed within the New Jersey Administrative Code (NJAC 16:1A-4.5).
e. Configure Intelligent Traffic Signal Systems to support changing operational needs.

3. Traffic Regulations
a. Investigate and design traffic control devices at non-signalized intersections/locations related to speed limits, passing zones, stop/yield control, turn prohibitions, mid-block crossings, parking, bus stops and weight restrictions.
b. Provide regulatory support to all law enforcement agencies.
c. Research and prepare all state Traffic Regulation Orders for signature by the Department Secretary
d. Research and respond to requests for approval certification information from the general public/legal community, as detailed within the New Jersey Administrative Code (NJAC 16:27-5).

4. Special Projects
a. Liaison to the Fernwood Sign Shop/Overhead Sign Crew and to Outdoor Advertising and New Jersey Logos, Inc. regarding the administration of the Tourist Oriented Directional Signing and Logo Programs.
b. Investigate and design State highway signing and marking systems, including roundabouts and circles, outside of the Capital and Access project process.
c. Review sign structure contracts within the Capital project process.
d. Review train preemption and railroad grade crossings within the Capital project process
e. Administer the Department’s supplemental guide, third party and memorial signing.
f. Liaison to the Statewide Traffic Management Center, Mobility Operations Center South, and Central Dispatch Unit, when responding to planned and unplanned traffic incidents that impact Intelligent Traffic Signal Systems.

5. Electrical Engineering
a. Review electrical underground and highway lighting designs for all Capital and Access Permit projects
b. Prepare Traffic Signal Agreements for State owned or maintained traffic control devices
c. Investigate underdeck, intersection, tunnel, continuous highway and high-mast lighting requests and design appropriate countermeasures, outside of the Capital and Access project process
d. Prepare new and revised Standard Electrical details
e. Develop and maintain the Electrical Sections 700 and Section 900 of the NJDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.
f. Design the electrical components of new and revised traffic signal work orders in support of the Traffic Engineering staff, the Bureau of Transportation Data and Safety, Rapid Design and Roadway Design Groups.

6. North and South Regional Traffic Control/Work Zone
a. Review traffic control staging and detours for CPM and Major Access applications
b. Provide field support to Resident Engineers for all construction projects
c. Conducts the annual TCP reviews in conjunction with State Police and FHWA.
Highway Design SME Phone
Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) Development and Support Alexander Didok 609.963.1680
Design and Survey, Cherry Hill Nhan Nguyen 856.414.8476
Design and Survey, Mt. Arlington Terrance Smith 973.810.9172
Geodetic Survey and Survey Support Alexander Didok 609.963.1680
Production Management/Roadway Design/Groups 1&2 Robert Abitz and Amutha Vijayakumar 609.963.1835
Pavement and Drainage Management and Technology SME Phone
Drainage Management Haidy Abdu 609.963.1707
Pavement Design Nusrat Morshed 609.963.1700
Pavement Management Narinder Kohli 609.963.1714
Ride Quality Specification Nusrat Morshed
Guide Rail Management Haidy Abdu
Traffic Engineering SME Phone
Traffic Engineering South
(Cape May, Atlantic, Cumberland, Salem, Burlington Counties)
Kelly McVeigh 609.947.4735
Electrical Engineering Statewide Altin Aliaj 609.963.1751
Standard Electrical Details, Specifications and Materials Andrey Terentiev 609.963.1790
Traffic Engineering Central
(Ocean, Mercer, Monmouth, Middlesex, Hunterdon, Somerset Counties)
John Fam 609.963.1470
Traffic Control/Work Zones Statewide Manaar Alshara 609.963.1811
Traffic Engineering North
(Warren, Sussex, Bergen, Passaic, Hudson, Morris, Essex, Union Counties)
Syed Kazmi 609.963.1760
Traffic Regulations Statewide Altin Aliaj 609.963.1751
Traffic and Electrical CADD Standards Noel Barbosa 609.963.1759

Specific unit guidance:
Pavement and Drainage Management and Technology Web site
Pavement Design
Pavement Management
Ride Quality Requirements

Bridge Engineering and Infrastructure Management
Eric Yermack - 609.963.1423
BEIM is composed of three bureaus. Structural Evaluation and Bridge Management is responsible for inspection and condition reporting of all bridges, culverts, pedestrian bridges, sign structures, high mast lighting, tunnels, and dams. They also perform load ratings, issue overweight vehicle permits, and provide structural emergency response teams. The Bridge Management Unit manages the state bridge population and recommends bridges for rehabilitation or replacement. Structural Engineering Services performs Subject Matter Expert (SME) reviews of all bridge projects, reviews new technologies and products, participates in value engineering reviews, performs construction inspections, and obtains USCG bridge permits. NJDOT bridge design policies and standards are also developed. Structural Design and Geotechnical Engineering designs bridges, structures, and foundations for in-house design projects and provides engineering support during construction. The Geotechnical Engineering Unit performs scour modeling and mitigation, provides SME reviews of projects, reviews critical shop drawings, and provides emergency response teams. The Geology Unit reviews subsurface investigation programs, manages the state inventory of rock slopes, and provides emergency response for rockfalls and slope instabilities.

Structural Evaluation and Bridge Management
Mujahid Khan, Executive Manager - 609.963.1419
The bureau is responsible for the inspection and/or condition reporting of all bridges in the state as well as other structures, including pedestrian bridges, sign structures, tunnels, and dams. We also perform bridge load ratings, issue overweight/oversize vehicle permits, and provide teams for emergency responses for incidents such as bridge hits and high priority repairs. Our Bridge Management unit tracks the condition of the bridge population, develops bridge management metrics and strategies, and recommends bridges for rehabilitation or replacement to keep our bridge inventory in a state of good repair.
Area SME Phone
Structural Evaluation Nirav Patel
Mahesh K. Patel
Imran Ahmad
Bridge Management System Gina Rossi
Harjit Bal
Chandrahas Shah
Oversize Overweight Vehicle Permits
Overweight Permit Review (Load Issues Only)
Paul Thomas
Yasotha Rishindran
Combined Inspection System (CombIS) Gina Rossi
Aakash Shah

Specific unit guidance:
Structural Evaluation Downloads

Structural Engineering Services
Ali Najem , Executive Manager- 609.963.1410
The bureau is responsible for providing structural engineering support services for ongoing projects. The structural engineering Structural Value Solutions unit preforms SME reviews of consultant and in-house design projects as well as Local Aid projects. The unit also reviews new technologies and products, serves on TECs for proposals, participates in Value Engineering reviews, performs construction acceptance inspections, and obtains US Coast Guard permits for bridges. The structural Design Policy and Standards unit develops the standards and criteria by which NJDOT structures are designed and constructed.
#Major Tasks
Develop and maintain the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Bridges and Structures Design Manual and the bridge related construction specifications in the NJDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.

Review proposed changes to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Specifications for the design and construction of bridge structures.

Act as liaison to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Regional Office on issues dealing with bridge design and construction.

Review Local Bridge applications.

Provide Material Transfer Vehicle (MTV) and overlay approvals for resurfacing projects.

Seek and identify new technologies to help improve safety, function and efficiency of construction, maintenance and public travel in the State.

Conduct formal evaluations of new technologies.

Develop new standards and specifications for the implementation of approved new technologies into New Jersey Department of Transportation projects.

Area SME Phone
Ridge Design Policy and Standards Xiaohua (Hannah) Cheng 609.963.1316
Structural Value Solutions Pranav Lathia (Region Central & Region South)
Jess Mendenhall (Region North)
New Technologies and Products Pranav Lathia 609.963.1364

Specific unit guidance:
Engineering Web site

Structural Design and Geotechnical Engineering
Kimberly Sharp, Executive Manager - 609.963.1348
The Bureau is responsible for performing structural engineering and Geotechnical engineering design services for in-house bridge design projects. The Structural Design unit performs inspections to collect data, designs bridges and other structures, and provides engineering support services during construction. The Geotechnical Engineering unit develops geotechnical foundation recommendations for inhouse projects, performs scour modeling and scour mitigation, reviews subsurface investigation programs, and performs SME reviews of consultant design projects. The unit also provides geotechnical engineering support services during construction, reviews critical shop drawing submittals, and provides consultation and emergency response during construction and for unanticipated subsurface conditions and extreme weather triggered events. The Geology unit inspects, monitors and inventories rock slopes, develops projects for rockfall mitigation, reviews subsurface investigation programs, and provides emergency response services in the event of rockfalls and slope instabilities.
Area SME Phone
Geotechnical Engineering Mohab Hussein 609.963.1310
Geology Amanda McElwain 609.963.1354
Structural Design Kumar Selvakumar
Harshad Patel
Parth Shah
Humayun Kabir

Specific unit guidance:
Soil Borings Web site

Right of Way and Access Management
Victor Akpu, Director - 609.963.1180
The Division of Right of Way and Access Management acquires and takes possession of real estate for transportation purposes in accordance with Federal and State regulations to support the Capital Program in a cost-effective manner that allows construction schedules to proceed as planned. Right of Way acquisition includes property appraisals, appraisal registration, acquisition through bona fide negotiations, the eminent domain process (condemnation), if necessary, relocation of families and businesses, title clearances and closings. As the real estate arm of the Department, the Division provides related services to other areas with the Department, such as Multi-Modal, Aeronautics and Park and Ride. Right of Way has the oversight responsibility for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in providing right of way clearance letters to municipalities and counties for Federally funded projects administered through the Department’s Local Government Services Unit. This unit also provides for highway access through a permitting process, in accordance with the New Jersey State Highway Access Management Code.
#Major Tasks
Auditing of district operations in the areas of appraisals, negotiations and relocations.

Perform reviews of preliminary and final Right of Way (ROW) plans, set schedules and, upon Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) approval, transmit final project plans to ROW District Office to proceed with the acquisition process.

Review and approve appraisal plans, appraisal contracts, relocation plans and relocation payments. Maintain and update the outside vendor list for Appraisal/Consultant.

Manage all excess parcels in terms of maintaining inventory, leasing and disposals. Review and approve all ROW plan submissions and dedications.

Funding staff is responsible for ROW project programming and funding, database management, full service ROW consultant selection and contracting and procedural manual maintenance.

Prepare and file legal documents pertaining to eminent domain actions.

Obtain clear titles, conduct title closings and provide payments to property owners, all of which result in the vesting of title in the Department.

Update and examine title searches, prepare and transmit title instruments to owner for execution; satisfied property liens, record title documents, secure check and transmits payment to property owner.

File general property parcel maps with the appropriate County Clerk’s office.

Prepare legal proceedings, secure Law Division approval, file pleadings, secure payment for deposit into court and process judgment/award documents.

Participate in preliminary engineering scoping teams for plan reviews, prepare project cost estimates and set schedules.

Prepare real estate appraisal plans and relocation plans.

Contract with independent real estate appraisers and engineering firms to obtain appraisals and non-real estate reports used in negotiations with property owners.

Register fair market value of parcels after obtaining appraisals and independent reviews.

Conduct Bono Fide negotiations in accordance with Title 20:4-2 et seq., and negotiates with owners/agents to obtain purchase agreements.

Prepare cases for condemnation when necessary, process invoices for payment, complete personal service of court documents, relocate owners/tenants from the acquired properties, prepare owner/tenant supplements and obtain relocation cost estimates and handle associated appeals filed in relocation matters.

The Bureau logs applications and fees received, deposits checks received, enters data in the Highway Access Permits System (HAPS) database and performs a completeness check of the applications for compliance with requirements, lot conformance and trip limits if applicable.

Review, design and process access changes, adjustments, modifications and revocations for highway improvement projects in accordance with the New Jersey State Highway Access Management Code.

Identify access impacts, prepare access plans, prepare access cut-outs and administer modifications and revocations. Access issues are resolved through notification, informal meetings, formal hearings and/or Office of Administrative Law (OAL) hearings.

Coordinate with Project Manager and Designer (either consultant or in-house) throughout the development of project alternatives. This includes the identification of Access Code implications and the identification/elimination of any potential “fatal flaw” access issues.

The Wireless Communications Unit is responsible for the management of the program by which the Department makes its lands available for telecommunications towers and related equipment. The unit reviews construction plans, makes determinations regarding applications for approvals of licenses and coordinates approvals through review by other agencies of the Department and the State for State House Commission approval. Upon approval, the unit administers the licenses, including the receipt processing and deposit of payments, conducts site inspections to secure compliance with license terms and maintains all files and records as necessary.

The Wireless Communications Unit also administers two contracts with outside vendors for the provision of Tourist Oriented Business Signs (TODS) and motorist service signs (LOGOS). Administration includes coordination with Traffic Engineering and Safety concerning sign placement and sign design, receiving, processing and depositing payments from vendors, audits of contractors, resolution of denied applications, point of contact regarding safety and maintenance of existing signs and maintenance of Department’s files and records.

David Hutchinson, Assistant Division Director - 609.963.1174

Technical Support
David Kook, Executive Manager - 609.963.1230

North District Office
John Miksits, District Program Manager - 973.810.9188

South District Office
Margaret Palmer, District Program Manager - 609.963.1256

Access Design and Right of Way Engineering
Eric Handelman, Executive Manager - 609.963.1155

Area SME Phone
Access Design and Right of Way Engineering Bakula Patel
Nirav Shah
Closing Jeffrey McDonough
Doreen Walsh
Jay Kanengiser
Right of Way North District Office John Miksits
David Merrick
Rebecca Scanlon
Right of Way South District Office Delicia Chambus
Mark Foss
Valerie Brown
Technical Support Paul Diefenbach

Construction and Materials
Albert Balluch, Senior Director - 609.963.1578
Alexander Borovskis, Director - 609.439.6621
The Division of Construction and Materials (DC&M) is responsible for the oversight of all construction projects in the Capital Program and several construction projects in Operations. After a project is awarded, the project is given to DC&M for administration of the construction contract. This process includes enforcement of all contract provisions, materials inspection and the quality of constructed work. It is the responsibility of DC&M to ensure safety of all who come in contact with the project, along with environmental protection. Of paramount importance is the safety of the motoring public through the various work zones. Led by the Division Director, DC&M is comprised of the Bureau of Construction Management, three Regional Construction Offices and the Bureau of Materials.
#Major Tasks
Oversee the functions of the three construction regions, ensuring that each region operates uniformly.

Oversee the Bureau of Construction Management and the Bureau of Materials.

Responsible for assuring that construction projects are built according to approved plans and specifications and in accordance with Federal, State, environmental and safety regulations.

Responsible for producing status reports to inform the Assistant Commissioner of Capital Program Management of any issues that arise involving construction projects.

Provide technical assistance and analysis of claims for the Claims Committee members.

Construction Management
Yogesh Bhavsar, Executive Manager - 609.963.1597
#Major Tasks
Review requests to advertise projects and prepares documents for the advertisement of project with Construction Services, Procurement. Coordinates the posting of addenda and answers bidder questions. This section also performs bid analysis.

Perform constructability reviews during the design phase to determine if work can be reasonably constructed and analyzes design to reexamine elements that lead to excessive risk or increased cost.

The Office of Capital Project Safety performs independent quality assurance oversight of project work zone safety and coordinates the use of the New Jersey State Police Department of Transportation Construction Unit.

The Bureau is also responsible for setting standards for safety, monitoring compliance through inspection personnel, publishing construction manuals and the independent review of construction projects for Federal compliance. The Bureau monitors claims at the Claims Committee level and provides support for the selection of consultants to provide inspection services.
Area SME Phone
Construction Engineering Manpower Management (CEMM) Jasminkumar Inamdar 609.963.1572
Capital Program Safety & Construction QA/Close-outs Robert Scholink 609.963.1574
Constructability Darshan K. Patel
Ryan Reali
Contract Document & Bid Administration Brian Smith
Yogesh Bhavsar
Division Contract Manager Jetal Doshi 609.963.1594
Value Engineering Construction Proposals Darshan K. Patel
Madhavi Andey
NJ State Police Construction Unit Coordinator Antonio Rizzo 609.963.1585
Division Training Coordinator Robert Scholink 609.963.1574

Specific unit guidance:
Construction and Materials
Trns•port Software Web site

Regional Construction and Materials
The Regional Construction Units are responsible for the oversight of all construction projects in the Capital Program and for performing the Regional Materials quality assurance program. The Regional Construction Engineer and the Resident Engineer, along with a team of engineers and construction technicians, are assigned projects to ensure that projects are in compliance with the contract requirements. Contractor work is inspected to ensure that all elements of the work, including embankment, pavements, structures, drainage, utilities and electrical work meet the quality requirements.

Field construction forces ensure that contractors comply with traffic interference restrictions and that construction work zones comply with the Department's safety standards. They also ensure that construction adheres to environmental restrictions, that contractors meet Equal Employment Opportunity employment goals and adhere to prevailing wage and trainee requirements. In addition, field construction forces oversee and authorize monthly payments to the contractor for work performed. The Resident Engineer acts as liaison to other governmental entities and the public by coordinating design support services to engineer solutions to resolve field condition problems. The Resident Engineer also monitors the contractor's construction schedule and works to resolve contractor claims and process Change Orders.

Regional Materials personnel perform asphalt and concrete plant inspections to ensure that materials meet the required quality standards. They also perform on-site materials testing for concrete and soil aggregates.

Region North Construction and Materials
Nart Appesh, Regional Construction Engineer - 973.810.9078
Region North Construction and Materials oversees Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris, Passaic, Sussex, Union, and portions of Warren County including Route 57 and areas north.
Area SME Phone
Change Orders Harold Dieter 973.810.9144
Region Contract Manager Jay Rana 973.810.9157
Field Managers W. Eric Neu
John Harder
Felix Ulloa
Hernando Garcia
Lisette Castillo
Project Closeouts Christian Warsh 973.810.9141
Regional Electrical Engineer Kennard Luckey 973.810.9151
Section Chief Materials Stevenson Ganthier 973.810.9155
Safety Engineer Mitchell Jacovelli 973.810.9139
Subcontractors Mitchell Jacovelli 973.810.9139

Region Central Construction and Materials
Carl Kneidinger , Regional Construction Engineer - 609.963.1598
Region Central Construction and Materials oversees Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Ocean and Somerset counties and portions of Warren County.
Area SME Phone
Change Orders Samantha Nicoletti 609.963.1591
Region Contract Manager David Wong 609.963.1595
Consultant/Utility Invoice Coordinator Nisarg Chokshi 609.963.1577
Field Managers Eugene Raisley,Jr.
George Carroll
Noor Shah
Travis Johnson
Irfan Ahmad
Project Closeouts/Site Manager Coordinator Sneha Desai 609.963.1596
Regional Electrical Engineer Ilya Slivenko 609.888.6979
Section Chief Materials Hany Nasralla 732.379.0123
Safety Engineer Bhavesh Patel 609.513.8612
Subcontractors/Tort Claims Anand Suthar 609.963.1609

Region South Construction and Materials
David DiValerio, Regional Construction Engineer - 856.414.8455
Region South Construction and Materials oversees Burlington, Atlantic, Camden, Gloucester, Salem, Cumberland and Cape May counties.
Area SME Phone
Change Orders Steven Tracy 856.414.8464
Region Contract Manager Steven Tracy
Shailesh Patel
Field Managers Darin Thorn
Mukesh Shah
Inam Q. Shaikh
Tobias Morello
Project Closeouts Lea Volturo 856.414.8458
Regional Electrical Engineer Mario Dominguez 856.414.8462
Section Chief Materials Amanda Thorn 856.414.8505
Safety Engineer Domenic Marchesani 856.770.4263
Subcontracts/Utility Agreements Lea Volturo
Ruth Metellus

Specific unit guidance:
Construction and Materials
Construction Procedure Handbook 2011
Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction 2007

Edward Inman, Executive Manager - 609.963.1375
The Bureau of Materials performs testing of materials incorporated into the New Jersey Department of Transportation's (NJDOT) projects, and inspects materials at the point of manufacture.
#Major Tasks
Testing of materials including asphalt, steel, concrete, aggregates, chemical admixtures, paint and topsoil.

Inspection of manufactured materials including structural steel, precast/prestressed concrete, reinforcing steel, castings and steel coatings.

Maintain the Qualified Products list (QPL).

Area SME Phone
Inspection Nehemie Jasmin 609.530.5242
Bituminous and Asphalt Testing Mark Gillece 609.530.4286
Concrete & Aggregates Testing Ryan Rathbun 609.530.5307

Specific unit guidance:
Qualified Materials Web site

Alternate Project Delivery
Thomas Kondash, Director - 609.963.1829
This division has the responsibility for Design-Build project delivery of select Capital projects along a modified Capital Program Delivery process. This is a new approach to project delivery for NJDOT, where a single project manager will have responsibility for all aspects of qualifying Department projects from concept, through design and construction, to completion.

Design Build
Anupkumer Patel, Manager - 732.266.1005

Area SME Phone
Design Build Nilesh Patibandha 609-963-1809

Maritime Resources
Genevieve Clifton, Manager - 609.963.2103
Area SME Phone
Dredging, Channel Engineering, Project Management, Dredged Material Management, Navigation Dredging, Environmental, Research, Storm Response Genevieve Clifton 609.963.2103
Federal Coordination, FHWA Ferry Boat Program, NJDOI Boating Infrastructure Grant; Construction Field Manager, RE and Inspector Oversight William Henderson 609.963.2107
Change Control Board (CCB) Niranjan Patel 609.963.1084

Project Management
Atul Shah, Director - 609.963.1028
The Division of Project Management (DPM) is comprised of the Director’s Office, four project management teams with geographically assigned areas, and a Project Management Office team. The division is comprised of approximately 134 team members.

The major goal of the Division of Project Management is to manage and deliver CPM's Capital Program each State Fiscal Year in coordination with the Department's Capital Investment strategies established by the office of Capital Investment and Program Coordination. The primary function of the office is to effectively manage scope, schedule, budget and quality of all capital projects from Concept Development through Construction. In delivering the program, the division collaborates with all other divisions of CPM and works in partnership with many other functional units of the Department and the external project stakeholders.

The Division is also responsible for managing all consultant solicitations and contracts associated with the Capital Program. This includes oversight of the design consultant selection & agreement process, and management of both in-house and consultant design through Concept Development, Preliminary Engineering and Final Design phases. The Division also oversees the construction contract bid and award process and manages Capital projects through construction closeout.

The division is also responsible for the administration and development of the PMRS, management of the Center for Improvement (CFI) initiatives, Schedule, and Budget functions.
#Major Tasks
Develop, obtain approval for, manage, and update project schedules.

Develop and control budgets of projects.

Ensure acceptable quality of all project’s submissions and deliverables.

Manage project changes and scope of work.

Estimate and secure funding for the various project phases.

Ensure quality management functions are carried out during the Design phases.

Lead utility and jurisdictional agreement tasks on assigned projects.

Lead consultant procurement and agreement activities on assigned projects.

Develop and implement appropriate community outreach for projects.

As per Department guidelines, prepare and submit for approval correspondence and/or request for information to respond to external and internal stakeholders’ inquiries.

Update all reports and project databases accurately and within established time frames.

Secure environmental documentation and permitting and coordinates right of way acquisition.

Administrators, User Support, Developers, and Trainers of the Project Management Reporting System (PMRS)

Team A
Girishkuma C. Patel, Executive Regional Manager - 609.963.1073
Projects are in the Portway region consisting of parts of Bergen, Essex and Hudson counties and also non-Portway projects in Hudson County.

Team B
Pankesh Patel, Deputy Director Team B - 609.963.1008
Projects are in Hunterdon, Somerset, Middlesex, Monmouth and Ocean counties.

Area SME Phone
Project Management and Reporting System (PMRS) Pankesh Patel 609.963.1008
Team C
Hardev Dave, Executive Regional Manager - 609.963.1037
Projects are in Mercer, Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, Salem, Cumberland, Atlantic and Cape May counties.

Team D
Christopher Manz, Executive Regional Manager - 609.963.1019
Projects are in Passaic, Morris, Warren, Sussex and Union counties.

Program Management Office
Scott Ackerman, Executive Manager - 609.963.1846
The Program Management Office (PMO) is the center for the advancement of project and program management at the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and maintains and manages the Capital Project Delivery Process. The PMO possesses the ability to address Department-wide issues from a systemic perspective using a repeatable systematic process. The PMO includes the Center for Improvement and Budget, Estimation, and Schedule Management. The PMO also provides training and development on project management principles, the project delivery process, and Project Management Reporting System (PMRS) applications. The tangible benefits and value of the PMO include improving capital project performance and limiting change to project work, schedules and cost, while improving the quality of capital projects.
#Major Tasks
Manage the Department's Capital Project Delivery Process which establishes how transportation projects are managed.

Provide training and communications of the Project Management Reporting System (PMRS).

Provide Independent Cost Estimation and Construction Estimation Support.

Provide Schedule Management support.

Perform budget changes for Capital Projects.

Facilitate the planning of the annual Design Summit in conjunction with FHWA and ACEC-NJ.

Area SME Phone
Center for Improvement Robert Signora 609.963.1824
Cost Estimating & Budget Change Jane Liou 609.963.1834

Specific unit guidance:
Capital Project Delivery Web site
Capital Project Delivery, Errors and Omissions
Capital Project Delivery, Cost Estimating Guidelines

Last updated date: February 18, 2025 11:16 AM