Department of Transportation

Division of Procurement

Construction Services

Phone: 609.963.2325


Subcontract Work for 2019 Specification Projects
Except as stated in project specifications, a contractor(s) does not have to be prequalified to do NJDOT subcontract work. Contractor(s) intending to sublet work on 2019 specifications projects must complete and submit Form DC-18 (Specifications 2019 version) to the Regional Construction or Operations Engineer responsible for the applicable project.

Effective April 17, 2009, the Regional Construction or Operations Engineer are responsible for DC-18 approval. Construction Services will be copied and continue to provide database updates and reporting.

DC-18 Approvals
Beginning May 1, 2006, Construction Services will post all DC-18 sublet approvals in spreadsheet format on this web page. The mailed distribution to the contractor and regional offices will be eliminated. The listing will be updated weekly, each Thursday morning, to coincide with project advertisement posting.

Approved Sublets

Last updated date: February 5, 2020 2:05 PM