
Route 18/I-287 Connection
web site has been
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longer being updated. |
The Route 18/I-287 Connection
project will complete the
extension of Route 18 from
its existing terminus at Hoes
Lane to I-287 in Piscataway
Township, Middlesex
County. It is one of the ten
I Liberty Corridor projects.
This project includes the rehabilitation
of 2.7 miles of land service highway,
along with improvements for 20 at-grade
intersections, and upgrading of pedestrian/bicyclist
mobility. The project will improve the
safety and traffic operational performance
of the corridor allowing the local road
to change jurisdiction to
Route 18. Access to I-287 will be improved
for Rutgers University, which has five
campuses located in the area, local medical
centers, technology and research firms
and warehouse distributors located in
the area.
Construction is scheduled to begin in
May 2011 and is estimated to be completed
in fall 2012.
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