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The Commissioner's Report
NJDOT launches streamlined
project delivery 'pipeline'
The NJDOT has met a major goal of government efficiency and job creation set by the McGreevey Administration. The Department has successfully restructured its project delivery process, called the pipeline, so that within two years, NJDOT will be able to double the amount of work put on the street on an annual basis.
The four new pipelines will allow the Department to deliver projects more expeditiously while maintaining the high level of quality and safety New Jersey residents deserve. Under the new system, the Department will be able to address New Jerseys transportation needs when they occur and put more work on the street than ever before.
The four pipelines are designed for four distinct types of projects, from simple improvements to complex investments in the states infrastructure.
The gains in efficiency will yield benefits not only for NJDOT, but for the residents of New Jersey and the transportation industry as a whole.
Specifically, the benefits are as follows:
Cutting red tape
- Cuts the number of steps before construction by 50.
- Reduces design costs by 25 percent.
- Many projects that may have taken 2½ to 6 years before contracts, can now go out to bid in 1 year.
Putting more work on the street
- Within 2 years, NJDOT expects to double the number of projects coming out of Capital Project Management from 40 to 80 projects every year.
- The new pipeline will give NJDOT the capability to award over $1 billion of contracts per year, funding 42,000 construction jobs.
Red tape is not an asset to this operation. The States time, money and effort are better spent spurring our economy, enhancing safety, and ensuring the vitality of New Jerseys transportation infrastructure. The new pipeline will free up valuable time and resources for the important work that needs to be done.