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The Commissioner's Report
Camden completes $2.1 million
reconstruction of Delaware Avenue
Keeping with Governor McGreeveys commitment to revitalize the city of Camden, the NJDOT has made an important investment to reconstruct Delaware Avenue between Vine Street and Erie Street in Camden. The $2.1 million reconstruction was completed this month as part of the Governors ongoing $175 million renovation of the city.
This project is a prime example of our Fix-It-First policy that focuses transportation re-investment in the states older urban infrastructure.
The project was made possible through the NJDOTs Local Aid program, which provides $265 million this year to local governments and preserves property tax relief for New Jersey residents.
Governor McGreevey recognizes that a steady program of repair for our urban roads and bridges is the foundation for a strong, vibrant economy. The new Delaware Avenue provides trucks with access to the North Camden Industrial Park to help restore industry to the once thriving neighborhood.
The new road also provides easy and safe access to the Camden Waterfront and to Campbells Soup baseball field. It has been specifically designed to support activities along the waterfront and potential future development of the area.
Despite a difficult fiscal climate, Governor McGreevey has maintained NJDOTs $2.58 billion capital program. The program will fund projects such as the reconstruction of Delaware Avenue that repair the state's infrastructure, encourage Smart Growth development and enhance the quality of life throughout the state.