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The Commissioner's Report
NJDOT awards $14.3 million to
municipalities for non-traditional transportation projects
Department of Transportation recently awarded $14.3
million in transportation enhancement grants funded
through the federal Transportation Equity Act for the
21st Century (TEA-21).
quality of life is an important value of New Jersey
residents, the criteria that define it varies from community
to community. Smart growth transportation planning not
only improves mobility and bolsters the economy; it
also improves our quality of life. These 44 grants are
for projects formulated at the local level to assist
New Jersey towns and counties that meet these goals.
The Transportation Enhancement program links state and
federal policy and ensures that these projects are an
integral part of our transportation investment policy.
Transportation initiatives must include consideration
of their natural environment as well as the characteristics
of surrounding communities.
grants typically fund non-traditional transportation
projects, including the creation of bicycling and pedestrian
trails, restoration of historic canals, historic train
station rehabilitation and aesthetic conveniences and
improvements to downtown streets. |