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The Commissioner's Report
DMV requires new strategies
for service, security, funding
Budget neglect at DMV has reduced staff from 3,500 to 1,400. Budgets cuts have left capital spending at less than one percent of DMV's total budget. Facilities are run down, technology is inadequate and DMV is devoid of any strategic planning mechanism.
To achieve the customer service and security goals outlined by the report, DMV must have more flexibility and a greater ability to plan and fund its operation. The Commission recommended the creation of a New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (NJMVC) for enhanced control.
The NJMVC will be governed by a seven member Board of Directors, a chairperson, the Attorney General, the Commissioner of Transportation and four private members. It will be responsible for the institution of a strategic plan and performance standards for the DMV.
For too long, DMV customers have assumed that DMV fees are paying for the poor service they encounter. In fact, less than 20% is returned to the DMV budget and the rest is important revenue for the state's general fund.
Reform and security do not come free.
The current funding structure will not provide an adequate budget to enable DMV to hire more staff, maintain better facilities and utilize more advanced technology.
This is why the Commission is recommending that additional DMV fees go directly to the reform effort. The Commission has recommended that $50 million in revenue be generated to fund immediate customer service and security efforts.
The Commission emphasizes restructuring for DMV because wholesale change is the only way to prevent the need for another Fix DMV Commission in years to come.