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The Commissioner's Report
21st century security risks
demand 21st century technology
DMV must employ modern technology if it is to provide maximum security for its documents. In the past technological upgrades to its 17-year-old computer system have been patchwork at best. As a result, DMV agencies often have no way of knowing who is accessing the computers and no way of detecting information discrepancies.
Some examples. A red flag should go up when more than two duplicate licenses are issued to the same person in New Jersey. It doesn't. A discrepancy in a social security number should be brought to the DMV's attention for further review. It isn't.
The Commission recommends a complete overhaul of the DMV computer system that will include: smart terminals equipped with biometric features to monitor computer access; a data warehouse to detect patterns of fraudulent activities; and the long overdue digital driver license.
Agents should be able to go online and verify information with the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization and Social Security services.
Technology has made greater security measures possible. It is time New Jersey takes advantage of these improvements to better safeguard its documents.