Error processing SSI file

The Commissioner's Report
DMV to regain integrity
Improving physical security is not a magic silver bullet answer for the security problems at DMV. Within the privatized agencies, poor pay and high turnover have created a workforce vulnerable to criminal exploitation at DMV. Our documentation will only be safeguarded if we have an honest workforce that is well equipped to detect fraud.
Under the new leadership of Director Diane Legreide, DMV has already begun to attack the root of corruption and remove dishonest employees. Four DMV employees have been arrested as a result of recent State Police audits. An additional 27 employees were fired for suspected fraudulent behavior or failure to follow procedures and 18 employees resigned when given notice of DMV's new background check policy.
The Commission has concluded that better working conditions, including additional staff and better benefits, are necessary for improving security. To accomplish this the Commission is recommending the de-privatization of agencies. In addition, with the help of the Attorney General, we have developed a new intensive document fraud-training program.