Department of Transportation

Environmental Permits

Listed below are permits by project number (UPC) and general permits in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. You will need Adobe Reader which is available for free at our State Adobe access page.

NJPDES 5G3 - Construction Activity Stormwater General Permit (NJG0088323)
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES) 5G3 - Construction Activity Stormwater General Permit (NJG0088323) is applicable to NJDOT projects that result in land disturbance of equal to or greater than one acre of land. The permit regulates stormwater discharges associated with construction activities including clearing, grading, and excavation activities. The permit is not applicable to routine maintenance projects that are performed to maintain the original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, or original purpose of the facility that result in land disturbance of equal to or greater than one acre of land and less than five acres. However, in an effort to promote environmental stewardship, the concrete washout, spill kit, and inspection requirements are to be implemented on all NJDOT projects, regardless of the size of land disturbance.

Please Note: This permit has been renamed. It was formerly the NJPDES General Permit for Construction and Mining Activity. Mining activity is now covered under a separate permit. The above weblink is for the most recent modification to the NJPDES 5G3 - Construction Activity Stormwater General Permit (NJG0088323) (dated 2/28/07). Please check the weblink periodically for any future changes.

Additional information regarding stormwater may be found at NJDEP's stormwater web site.

Permits by Project
The following table presents Permits by Project Number (UPC) available as Acrobat PDF downloads. To use, look down the rows to find the project number, and then across to find the permit you seek.

The following codes are used for permits:
  • pine -- The Pinelands Commission
  • dep -- Department of Environmental Protection
  • ace -- Army Corp of Engineers
  • cg -- United States Coast Guard
  • dr -- D & R Canal Commission
Permit codes with a numeric suffix may also be used.

Project Number (UPC) Project Description Permit Downloads
(Adobe PDF Format)
023460 Bridge rehabilitation/replacement study for Route 4 over Hackensack River @ MP. 5.94 ( Structure # 0206-166); Hackensack City & Teaneck Township, Bergen County  dep1 (318K)
083470 Route 23 Bridge (Structure # 1405-156 ) over Pequannock River, Hamburg Turnpike and NYS & W Railroad, MP 16.88 in Kinnelon Borough, Morris County and West Milford Township, Passaic County  dep2 (204K)
dep3 (330K)
123280 Pulaski Skyway Rehabilitation Contracts 6, 8, and 9.  dep1 (204K)
dep2 (330K)
173130 Rt 280 EB, Bridges over Passaic River Issuing Commission/Agency/Bureau: NJDEP  dep1 (308K)
148010 The purpose of this project is to reconstruct the pavement on Route 31 from Milepost 31.8-32.5.  dep2 (204K)
281000 Rt. 15 NB, Bridge over Abandoned Mount Hope Mineral Railroad  dep1 (204K)
dep2 (330K)
153960 Rockfall mitigation on Routes 23 and 94 in Hardyston Township and Hamburg Borough, Sussex County  dep1 (312K)
153960 Route 168, Route 42 to CR 544 (Evesham Road)  dep (328K)
153970 Route 9, CR 559 to Bayview Avenue w  dep (321K)
228000 Guiderail South Contract 2019-4  dep (323K)
078044 The project will replace the existing Route 4 Bridge over Palisade Avenue, Windsor Road, and CSX Railroad (Structure # 0206-169). Approach roadway work and improvement of Bellle Avenue intersection will be part of the project as well.  dep (323K)
163470 Complete replacement of the bridge Structure 2107-156, (Substructure & Superstructure), guide rail, and approaches  dep (312K)
193020 The purpose of this project is to improve and extend the service life of the pavement surface and also to improve ADA compliance on Route 22 from Milepost 0.30-5.07.  dep (240K)
153000 Rt 23, High Crest Dr to Macopin River  dep (353K)
154410 Rt 15 Corridor, Rockfall Mitigation, Contract B  dep (323K)
143570 Rt 66, Jumping Brook Rd to Bowne Rd/Wayside Rd  dep1(323K)
113090 Route 130 Westfield Ave to Main St Dep (130k)
 dr (1.4m)
153230 F.R.E.C. Access Road, Bridge Over Toms River  dep (323K)
144290 Route 35 Bridge Over North Branch of Wreck Pond  dep (225K)
093250 Rt. 31 Bridge over Furnace Brook
Bridge Replacement on Route 31 over Furnace Brook
 dep (615K)
093220 Route 88 Bridge Over Beaver Dam Creek  dep (305K)
093190 Route 15 Bridge over Paulins Kill  dep (315K)
144260 Route 130 Bridge over Big Timber Creek  dep1 (3.9m)
 ace1 (172k)
 cg1 (8.3m)
153510 Rt. 80, Bridges over Howard Blvd. (CR 615)  dep1 (325K)
dep2 (375K)
144240 Rt. 23 Alexander to Maple Lake Road
Pavement resurfacing, replacement/installation of associated guiderails, light poles, and signs
 dep (375K)
144140 Route 15 Southbound, Bridge Replacement over Rockaway River  dep (328K)
083470 Route 23 Bridge over Pequannock River/ Hamburg Turnpike Bridge reconstruction/replacement  dep (386K)
083720 Intersection Safety, Drainage and Resurfacing  dep (313K)
028041 Portway, Fish House Road/Pennsylvania Avenue (CR 659)  ace (16M)
018291 Route 47/347 and Route 49/50 Corridor Enhancements  pine5 (369k)
950652 Route 7 Kearny, Drainage Dep1(369k)
950541 Rt 295/42 Missing Moves Ace (130k)
 dep1 (1.4m)
068090 Route 47/347 and Route 49/50 Corridor Enhancements  ace5 (39k)
188000 This project is one of the new road contracts that will construct a new 2-lane roadway directly connecting Croxton yards and its vicinity to portway corridor thereby reducing the Ports generated truck traffic on Route 1 & 9 (Tonnele Ave.). This section of the new road will be constructed across the USPS Distribution Center.  dep1 (3.9m)
 ace1 (172k)
 ace2 (8.3m)
188000 The regulated activities authorized by this permit for the 2-mile Rt 1 & 9T New Road project include the discharge of approximately 5,900 cubic yards of fill material into 2,202 acres of waterUniteds of the United States to facilitate the construction and installation of two 12-foot wide lanes, four new bridge structures, eight retaining walls, a new outfall structure, widening of County Road, filling of an existing open unnamed drainage ditch, relocation of an open unnamed drainage ditch, and the reconfiguration of Secaucus Avenue.  ace1 (172k)
238000 Rt 15 Corridor, Rockfall Mitigation, Contract A  dep1 (142k)
223380 Route I-78, Turkey Hill Road to Mulhockaway Creek  dep1 (132k)
213550 Weldon Rd, Bridge over Rt 15, Emergency Superstructure Replace  dep1 (182k)
213060 This is primarily a pavement preservation project which involves the resurfacing of the roadway within the project limits with Slurry Seal Aggregate applied as lone thin layer to fill minor surface distresses to improve service life. Due to emergency repair that required the replacement of a drainage pipe at Block 307.01 and Lot 1.02, an Emergency Authorization (Permit) was issued to undertake that activity./td>  dep (176k)
183440 Route 15, Route 94 to Route 206/CR 565  dep1 (182k)
183440 Rt. 208, Rt. 4 to Rt. 287  dep1 (162k)
183370 Route 295, Route 130 to Independence Avenue Pavement Preservation  dr1 (162k)
183330 Rt 287, CR 591 (W Oakland Ave) to CR 84 (Franklin Ave)  dep1 (127k)
183250 Route 206 Culvert over Branch of Stony Brook (Van Horn Brook)  dep1 (14m)
183120 Alexander Road Bridge Over the D&R Canal  dep1 (14m)
183120 Alexander Road Bridge Over the D&R Canal  drcc (14m)
178010 This is a Superstructure & Culvert Replacement project of structure 2117-160 from Route 94 Blairstown. This permit authorizes the replacement of the substructure of the Route 94 Bridge over Paulins Kill and the substructure repair of said bridge, in the township of Blairstown, Warren County, New Jersey.  dep1 (867k)
168030 Sign Structures 2015-2  dep1 (11m)
158010  Rt 29,Lockatong Creek to D&R Canal State Park resurfacing  dep1 (1.2m)
 dr1 (116k)
153470  Centerline Rumble Strips - 2015 Central Region  dr1 (607k)
153350  Replacement of overhead sign structures, reconstruction of associated curbs, replacement of associated guiderails and placement of porous asphalt.  dep1 (607k)
dep2 (312k)
153190  Limited Scope Federally Funded project that includes the  replacement of the existing superstructure for the Rt. 206  Bridge over Drakes Brook  dep1 (1.6m)
153180  Old Newark Pompton Turnpike (CR683) Bridge over Route 202 & 23  dep1 (607k)
153150  Ada North Contract 5  dep1 (1.0m)
153150  I-295 Northbound bridge deck replacement over the New Jersey Turnpike, US Route 40, and Salem Canal  dep1 (902k)
148050  Route 46, Route 287 to Route 23 (Pompton Ave), ITS  dep1 (915k)
148010  Rt 31, Rt 78/22 to Graysrock Road  dep1 (785k)
148000  Rt 495, Rt 1&9/Paterson Plank Rd Bridge, Advance ITS  dep1 (915k)
144410  Rt. 80, Bridges over Rockaway River  dep1 (404k)
144400  Bridge Deck/ Superstructure Replacement  dep1 (915k)
144380  Route 1 Bridge over U.S. 1B NB  dep1 (7.3m)
144140  Route 15 Southbound, Bridge Replacement over Rockaway River  dep1 (307k)
 dep2 (1.4m)
144020  Sign Structure Replacement Contract 2015-1  dep1 (915k)
143780  I295, from I195 to Rt. 1 Resurfacing Project  dep1 (7.3m)
143560  Rt. 22 Commons Way to I-287  dep1 (614k)
143320  Replacement of Rt 80 Eastbound and Westbound  Superstructures  dep1 (1.3m)
143370  Route 42 Bridges over South Branch Big Timber Creek and
Lower Landing Road
 dep1 (1.4m)
143300  Rt 22 Bridge over Echo Lake  dep1 (1.6m)
143280  Rt 322 Business over Raccoon Creek superstructure replacement  dep1 (1.4m)
143170  Route 15 Bridge over Main Street  dep1 (1.4m)
133050 NJDOT Conrail at Enterprise Avenue -- General Permit 1 dr1 (2.5m)
133050 Route 44 Mantua Creek Bulkhead Rehabilitation dep1 (2.5m)
dep2 (1.7m)
133050 NJDOT Route 29 Emergency Repairs -- MP 20.5-21 dr1 (2.5m)
133050 NJDOT Route 29 - South Main Street over Swan Creek dep1 (2.5m)
133050 NJDOT Pomona Maintenance Yard pine1 (2.5m)
133050 Route 29 at Milepost -- Rehabilitation at M.P. 18.19 dr1 (3.5m)
133050 N.J. State Highway Route No. 29 -- Pavement Preservation dr1 (3.5m)
133050 NJDOT Bridge over Delaware and Raritan Canal at Washington Road -- After-the-Fact Emergency Repairs dr1 (2.8m)
133050 Route 27 Bridge over Delaware and Raritan Canal -- In-kind Repairs at M.P. 3.16 dr1 (3.4m)
133050 NJDOT I-80 Milepost 67.07 and Railroad Outfall Repair dep1 (2.1m)
133050 NJDOT Bridge Str. No. 1312-154 over Navesink River dep1 (1.5m)
133050 Route 71 Bridge (Structure # 1321-150) over Shark (Replacement of the existing fender system) dep1 (2.5m)
133050 Emergency Authorization Route 80 and Industrial Ave, Culvert and Sink Hole Repair dep1 (3.5m)
133050 Route 206 Bridge (Str. No. 0118-150) over Cedar Brook dep1 (3.5m)
133050 NJDOT Clinton Maintenance Yard dep1 (3.5m)
133050 NJDOT Bridge No. 1009-150 -- In-kind Repairs dr1 (3.5m)
133050 NJDOT Route 1 Pipe Cleaning and Video Inspection dr1 (3.5m)
133050 NJDOT Structure No. 1006-151 -- South Main Street Bridge over Swan Creek -- Emergency In-kind Repairs dr1 (3.5m)
133050 NJDOT Route 29 Pipe Cleaning and Video Inspection dr1 (1.1m)
133050 NJDOT Route 29 Long-Life Pavement Marking -- M.P. 0.00 to M.P. 34.28 dr1 (2.1m)
133050  Route 35 and 3rd Avenue  dep1 (130k)
 dep2 (428k)
133470  Sign Structure Replacement Contract 2013-1  dep1 (130k)
 dep2 (428k)
133050 NJ Route 47, Drainage Repair at M.P. 32.5 dep2 (2.1m)
133050 Salt Storage Structure, Hanover Maintenance Yard Permit & Freshwater Wetlands Letter of Interpretation: Line Verification  dep1 (130k)
 dep2 (1.4m)
133050 Secaucus Maintenance Yard crew and vehicle storage building, a bulk material storage shed, three brine storage tanks, and two 1,000-gallon fueling tanks with associated parking area improvements. dep1 (1.1m)
133050 Washington Crossing Bridge over D&R Canal – In-kind Emergency Repairs dep1 (1.1m)
133050 US 202 over North Branch Raritan River Scour Protection dr1 (2.1m)
133050 Route 30 over Duck Thorofare pile repairs dep1 (2.1m)
133050 Route 47 over Petticoat Branch dep1 (2.1m)
133050 Rt. 130 Bridge over Pennsauken Creek Repair Project  dep1 (130k)
 ace1 (1.4m)
133050 Route 23 MP 25.52 over Pequannock River dep1 (2.1m)
133050 Route 31 and I-78 dep1 (2.1m)
133050 Bridge over D&R Canal at Landing Lane dep1 (2.1m)
133050 Route 23 Bridge No. 1903-151 over Franklin Pond Creek dep1 (2.1m)
133050 Route 29 Erosion Drainage Repairs dr1 (2.1m)
133050 I-295 over Delaware and Raritan Canal dr1 (2.1m)
133050 Bridge Street Temporary Repairs dr1 (2.1m)
133050 Route I-295 SB Watsons Creek, NJ Transit, D&R Canal dr1 (2.1m)
133050 Route I-295 SB/NB Duck Creek dr1 (2.1m)
133050 NJDOT Secaucus Maintenance Yard/Flood Hazard Area Minor Technical Modification dep1 (2.1m)
133050 Route 29 Milepost 9.4 -- Structure 1109-151 Repair dr1 (2.1m)
133050 Hermitage Ave Bridge over D&R Canal dr1 (2.1m)
133050 Bull's Island Day Use Area Tree Planting Plan dr1 (2.1m)
133050 Coryell Street over D&R Canal Feeder Repairs dr1 (2.1m)
133050 Route 29 MP 10.89 Erosion Repairs dr1 (2.1m)
133050 Rt 295 Safe and Connected Corridor Project -- COA dr1 (2.1m)
133050 Rt. 1 Bakers Basin-Franklin Corner Road CV Infrastructure dr1 (2.1m)
133050 NJ Route 18 Bridge over the Raritan River ace1 (1.1m)
133050 NJ Route 47, Drainage Repair at M.P. 32.5 dep1 (1.1m)
133050 Route 29 Maintenance at M.P. 28.5 dr1 (1.1m)
133050 In Kind Repair to Route 29 at M.P. 14.4 dr1 (1.1m)
133050 U.S. Route 1 Trenton Freeway Vegetation Management dr1 (1.1m)
133050 Bordentown Training Facility Renovations dep1 (1.1m)
133050 Route 44 M.P. 0.5 & 1.17 Emergency Culvert Repairs dep1 (1.1m)
133050 Reconstruction of the crew building, storage building, and bulk storage area, fuel tank, and the legalization of a salt shed that was constructed within 25 feet of top of bank of Papakating Creek, at the NJDOT Sussex Maintenance Yard un Wantage Township, Sussex County dep1 (1.1m)
133050 State Highway & Railway Maintenance WFD & FWW GP-1- Extension dep1 (289k)
133050 NJ Route 18 Bridge over the Raritan River dep1 (289k)
133050 Chapel Drive over D&R Canal (Structure No 3001-167) dr1 (289k)
133050 Fairfield Road Emergency Repairs dep1 (289k)
133050 Route 29 over Route 175 Scour Repair  dep1 (130k)
 dr1 (1.4m)
133050 NjDOT Structure No. 3000-151 over Delaware and Raritan Canal at Whitehead Road (CR 616): In-kind Repair  dep1 (2.7mk)
 dr1 (154k)
133050 D&R Canal Culvert Cleaning  dep1 (307k)
 dr1 (1.4m)
133050 NJDOT Structure No. 3001-177 Emergency In-kind Repairs: Bridge over D&R Canal at Richard Holcombe Farm dr1 (1.14m)
133050 Griggstown Causeway (County Route 623) over D&R Canal  dr1 (307k)
 dr2 (1.4m)
133050 Flood Hazard Area & Freshwater Wetlands Emergency Permit Authorization: Riprap north scour protection Route 17 Bridge over Ramapo River dep1 (501k)
133050 Lambertville Lock No. 3 Bridge Repair dep1 (1.14m)
133050 Route 57 Roadside Ditch Relocation & Shoulder Repair dep1 (1.33m)
133050 The installation of ajax concrete blocks at Pier 8 of Bridge # 1321-150, NJ Route 71 (Main Street) over the Shark River, located between Avon-By-The-Sea and Belmar Township, Monmouth County. dep1 (1.14m)
133050 Lambertville Lock No. 3 Bridge Repair dr1 (133k)
133050 NJDOT Bridge at Landing Lane over Delaware and Raritan Canal dr1 (139k)
133050 Special Use Permit dr2 (179k)
133050 Route 29 Emergency Repairs dr1 (71k)
133050 Route 166 over North Channel of Toms River ace1 (2.78m)
 dep1 (1.4m)
 dep2 (58k)
133050 Amwell Road (County Route 514) Bridge Repair dr1 (144k)
133050 Route 53 & Park Road Drainage Improvements dep1 (663k)
133050 Flood Hazard Area & Freshwater Wetlands Emergency Permit Authorization: Riprap north scour protection Route 23 Bridge over Pequannock River dep1 (663k)
133050 Church Street Bridge over D&R Canal dr1 (87k)
133050 Alexander Road over D&R Canal Bridge Repair dr1 (987k)
133050 NJDOT Route 29 Repair dr1 (110k)
133050 Route 29 NJDOT Safety Tree Removal Project dr1 (193k)
133050 Grant Street Bridge Repair dr1 (946k)
133050 South Bound Brook – Main Street (CR 527) Bridge over D&R Canal dep1 (220k)
133050 West Hanover Street Bridge Repair dr1 (989k)
133050 Blackwells Mill Road Bridge Repair dr1 (1.0m)
133050 Bakers Basin Bridge In-kind Repairs dr1 (82k)
133050 Manville Causeway over D&R Canal dr1 (1.0m)
133050 River Drive Bridge over D&R Canal dr1 (133k)
133050 Route 73, CR 721 to NJ Transit Bridge dr1 (123k)
131050 Route 208, Wyckoff Twp., Culvert Replacement dep (183k)
124240 Route 53, Pondview Rd to Hall Ave dep1 (143k)
124220 Route 31, Franklin Road (CR 634 to Route 46) dep1 (123k)
123670  Median Crossover Protection Contract #12  dep1 (362k)
 dep2 (278k)
 dep3 (611k)
 dep4 (707k)
 dep5 (334k)
 dep6 (618k)
 dep7 (305k)
123290 Pulaski Skyway Rehabilitation Program – Contracts 5 and 7 dep1 (1.5m)
124180 Route 73, CR 721 to NJ Transit Bridge dep1 (1.5m)
124220 Route 31, Franklin Road (CR 634 to Route 46) dep1 (123k)
123020 Route 3 and Route 46 Valley Notch Road Contract B dep1 (1.5m)
123020 Rt 3, Rt 46, Valley Rd, Notch Rd Interchange Improvements dep1 (1.5m)
123010  Rt 46/3/Notch Rd.  dep1 (881k)
118012  Rt 72 Manahawkin Bay Bridge  ace1 (1.8m)
 cg1 (4.7m)
 dep1 (828k)
114320  Route 49 Sarah’s Run to Garrison Lane  dep1 (882k)
114190  Rt 179, Rt 165 to Rt 31/202  dr1 (56k)
114160  Route 30, Atco Avenue to Route 206  pine1 (56k)
114020  Rt 29 Bank Stabilization  ace1 (108k)
 ace2 (93k)
 dep1 (3m)
 dep2 (782k)
 dep3 (166k)
 dr1 (67k)
113850  Rt. 72 Manahawkin Bay Bridge Project Contract 1A 1B NJDEP Modification 1  dep1 (754k)
 coast1 (4.7m)
 mod1 (828k)
113710  Route 47 Bridge over Big Timber Creek  dep1 (723k)
 ace1 (2.7m)
 cg1 (235k)
113680 Rt 9 Jobs Creek Bridge  dep1 (736k)
113480  Rt. 23 Riverdale Borough Culvert Rehabilitation  dep1 (447k)
113410  Route 80 EB, Fairfield Road to Route 19  dep1 (1.9m)
113400  Rt 46, Rt 163 to Water Street  dep1 (1.3m)
113380  Rt 70, Rt 38 to Cooper Avenue  dep1 (1.3m)
113130  Rt 29 Bridge over Wickecheoke Creek  dep1 (1.7m)
 dep2 (782k)
113000  Intersection of I-295, I-76 and 42  dep1 (472k)
 dep2 (626k)
 dep3 (626k)
 dep4 (626k)
 ace1 (7.6m)
 ace2 (667k)
104020  Liberty Water Gap Trail, Newark Section - City of Newark,  Essex County  dep1 (1.8m)
103840  Rt 94 over Branch of Paulin's Kill, Culvert Replacement  dep1 (3.8m)
103820  Rt 46 Bridge over Hatchery Brook  dep1 (2.9m)
103800  Rt. 27 Ten Mile Run NJDEP 3  dep1 (1.9m)
103070  Route 70 East of North Branch Road to CR539  dep1 (1.9m)
103800  Rt 27 over Carter’s Brook and Ten Mile Run Trib  dep1 (1.5m)
 dep2 (877k)
096880  Rt 46 Rockfall Mitigation  dep1 (2.9m)
093270  Route 168 Bridge Replacement Over the South Branch of Big Timber Creek  dep1 (973k)
093200  Rt 173 Bridge over Pohatcong Creek Issuing Commission/Agency/Bureau  dep1 (607k)
093200 Route 173 Bridge over Pohatcong creek  dep1 (607k)
090002  Rt 7 Hackensack River Crossing at Wittpenn Bridge  dep1 (8.6m)
 ace1 (352k)
 dep3 (320k)
090001  Rt 1 over Heathcote Brook  dep1 (230k)
083460 Replacement of the Rt. 3 Bridge over Northern Secondary.  ace2 (945k)
 dep1 (976k)
083271  Rt 31 NB Minneakoning Rd MP 24.92 Improvement  dep1 (1m)
083200  I-280 over Whippany River  dep1 (3.6m)
083190  Rt 159 Westbound over Passaic River  dep1 (3m)
083160  Route 9 Waretown Bridge replacement  dep1 (2m)
083140  Rt 57 Superstructure Replacements, Mansfield Twp  dep1 (395k)
083040  Rt 94 Bridge over Paulins Kill  dep1 (3.2m)
078030  Rt 46 over Beaver Brook  dep1 (628k)
073340  South 11th Street - Reconstruction  dep1 (966k)
068090  Replacement of the Route 7 Bridge over the Hackensack River  dep3 (1.2m)
 dep4 (116k)
 ace4 (165k)
063710  Rt 46 Bridge over Hackensack River  dep1 (4.4m)
063230  Rt 70 Westbound Shoulder Rehabilitation & Operational  Improvements  dep1 (331k)
 pine1 (4m)
 pine2 (1.6m)
058057  Rt 46 Main St. to Vicinity of Frederick Place  dep1 (1.7m)
058005 Ramp connection and bridge replacement at Rt. 22 EB and Hilldale Place  dep1 (816k)
053630  Rt 19/CR 609 to Rt 46 Van Houten Avenue  dep1 (310k)
048030  Rt 52 Causeway Bridge Replacement and Somers Point  Elimination, Contract B  ace1 (892k)
 ace1a (6m)
 ace2 (1.8m)
 dep1 (1.5m)
 dep2 (4.8m)
048023  Route 322 and Route 551 roadway widening  dep1 (456k)
043264  Rt 17 along Berry's Creek  dep1 (5.4m)
043262  Rt 120 Paterson Plank Rd. from Rt 17 to Murra  dep1 (3.3m)
038051  Rt 21 and Terry Street Interchange - Waterfront Development
 dep1 (94k)
 dep2 (96k)
 dep3 (71k)
028092  Rt 57 - MP 10.16 - Stream Encroachment  dep1 (112k)
 dep2 (170k)
028042 The proposed Portway/New Road will connect St. Paul`s Avenue along the CSX railroad  passing under two NJ Transit railroad bridges, going over NJ Transit Mainline, NS Rail Road,intersects New County Road at Grade and terminates at Secaucus Road at grade.  dep1 (2.6m)
028041  Roadway Reconstruction Project  dep1 (1.1m)
024080  Rt 22 Weequahic Park Drainage Improvement  dep1 (1.1m)
024000  Rt 94 & Sand Hill Rd  dep1 (203k)
 dep2 (230k)
023990  Rt 287 Glaser’s Pond  dep1 (1.3m)
023090  Rt 206 over Clarks Creek and Sleepers Brook  ace1 (4.6m)
 dep1 (1.3m)
 dep2 (1.4m)
013301  Rt. 1 SB from Nassau Park Blvd. to Quaker Bridge Mall overpass  dep1 (2m)
013301 Rt1 SB Nassau Park Blvd. to Quaker Bridge Mall Overpass  dep1 (130k)
 drcc (1.4m)
013230  Rt 168 Newton Lake Dam  ace1 (6.1m)
 dep1 (1.5m)
 dep2 (1.57m)
0119527  US Route 322 & US Route 40/322 ATS, C#1 M.P. 47.48 to M.P. 59.96  pine1 (1.8m)
003712  I-80 Parsippany-Troy-Hills Rdway Improvments  dep1 (278k)
003330  Rt 46 Bridge over Peckman River  dep1 (207k)
001010  Route 72 East Road  dep1 (657k)
998500  I-80 Truck Weigh Station  dep1 (1.1m)
203390  Rt. 287, Franklin Ave (County Rt. 84) to Ramp to Rt. 287 SB  dep1 (2.1m)
994170  Route 3 Bridges over Hackensack River and Meadowlands
 dep1 (2k)
993120  Rt 130 Brooklawn Circle Improvement Project  ace1 (286k)
 dep1 (837k)
993050  Rt 46 over Tri to Delaware River  dep1 (121k)
993030  Rt 130 Mae Run  dep1 (159k)
993000  Rt 46 & Franklin Road  dep1 (137k)
985450  Rt 78 & GSP Exit 142  dep1 (1.4m)
983990  Rt 94 Drainage (MP 36.48 to 37.24) - Freshwater Wetlands  dep1 (59k)
 Rt 94 Drainage (MP 36.48 to 37.24) - Stream Encroachment  dep2 (77k)
 Rt 94 Drainage (MP 40.06 to 41.36) - Stream Encroachment  dep3 (68k)
 Rt 94 at Mountain Creek - Stream Encroachment  dep4 (68k)
 Rt 94 Drainage (MP 40.96 to 41.36) - Freshwater Wetlands  dep5 (118k)
983980  Rt 10 Parsippany Rd. Drainage  dep1 (426k)
983400  South Salem St. Bridge  dep1 (417k)
983090  Hope Road Bridge  dep1 (540k)
970245  Rt 166 - Intersection Improvements  dep1 (1.1m)
970237  Rt 23 Sussex Bypass & Papakating Cr. Br. Rep. - Freshwater Wetlands  dep1 (81k)
Rt 23 Sussex Boro. Realignment and Papakating Bridge Replacement   dep1 (5.8m)
970231  Rt 206 and Waterloo/Brookwood Road  dep1 (670k)
 dep2 (423k)
970173  Rt 3 at Passaic River Crossing From Route 17 to Main Avenue  dep1 (5.1m)
 dep2 (3.4m)
970161  Rt 80 Section 1  dep1 (144k)
970114  Rt 1 & 9T (25) St. Paul's Viaduct - Flood Hazard, Waterfront  Development, Freshwater Wetlands  Memorandum of Understanding referenced in item 31 of this  permit (pdf 2.5m)  dep1 (1.4m)
961489  West Mountain Rd. Bridge - Stream Encroachment  dep1 (336k)
 West Mountain Rd. Bridge - Freshwater Wetlands  dep2 (121k)
961283  Rt 10 and Commerce Boulevard  dep1 (1.7m)
961270  Rt 15 section 4C  dep1 (86k)
960701  Rt 46 Sections 7L & 8K and over Rockaway River  dep1 (1.7m)
 dep2 (3.9m)
 dep3 (1.5m)
 dep4 (708k)
 Rt 27 Sec 3E Six Mile Run Bridge
 dep1 (490k)
 drc1 (6m)
960597  Route 206 Bypass Contract B  dep1 (6.7m)
 dep2 (2.3m)
 dep3 (436k)
960596 Route 206 Crusers Brook Bridge  dep1 (1.4m)
960521  Rt 94 over Yards Creek  dep1 (253k)
960512  Rt 80 - 95  dep1 (97k)
960482  Rt 78 TWS Section 6J & 6K  dep1 (250k)
960477  I-78 Truck Weight Station  dep1 (250k)
960437  Rt 47 & Rt 57 Merrill Creek Bridge Replacement  dep1 (274k)
960389  Rt 46 (52) Clinton Rd. & Plymouth St.  dep1 (172k)
960386  Rt 46 Browertown Rd.  dep1 (191k)
960385  Rt 46 Union Blvd.  dep1 (70k)
960384  I-80 / Rt 46 / Rt 23 Interchange  dep1 (155k)
 dep2 (91k)
 dep3 (113k)
 dep4 (97k)
 dep5 (261k)
960382  Rt 46 Section 34 Two Bridges Rd. - Stream Encroachment  dep1 (165k)
 dep2 (111k)
960238  Rt 21 TSM6 ITS - Widening & Intersection Improvements  dep1 (223k)
960211  Rt 17 Essex St. Drainage  dep1 (241k)
 dep2 (226k)
960201  Rt 10 Sec 2L 3J
 dep1 (4.2m)
960195  Rt 9W Section 1J  dep1 (79k)
960176  Rt 9 (34) Westecunk Creek Bridge. Issuing Commission/Agency/Bureau: ACE, DEP  dep1 (4.4m)
 dep2 (2.8m)
 ace1 (2.6m)
960161  Rt 7 over Passaic River  dep1 (226k)
960135  Rt 1&9 Section 28  dep1 (194k)
960133  Rt 1&9 over Susquehanna & Western RR  dep1 (233k)
960129  Rt 1 & 9 Sec. 4T  dep1 (389k)
 dep2 (921k)
 dep3 (774k)
960126  Rt 1 & 9 Sec. 1K, 3M  dep1 (2.7m)
 ace1 (433k)
950837  Rt 9 & Tilton Ave - CAFRA  dep1 (43k)
950723  Rt 202 and Case Boulevard - Stream Encroachment  dep1 (109k)
950667  Rt 22 and Evergreen Ct. - Stream Encroachment  dep1 (198k)
950652 Route 7 Kearny, Drainage

 dep1 (198k)
950525  Rt 206 Stokes State Park  dep1 (225k)
950512  Rt 206 & CR 513, Main Street, Chester  dep1 (3.3m)
 dep2 (1.1m)
950501  Rt 206 Cat Swamp Mountain  dep1 (220k)
 dep2 (144k)
 dep3 (130k)
 dep4 (143k)
 dep5 (98k)
950475  Rts. 173 & 513 Lingerts Creek  dep1 (191k)
950420  Rt 71 & 18th Avenue  dep1 (123k)
950375  Rt 46 & Main St. Netcong  dep1 (2.5m)
950374  Rt 46 & Main Street Lodi  dep1 (3.5m)
950373  Rt 46 & Little Ferry  dep1 (2.4m)
950262  Route 23 Hardyston Township Improvement  dep1 (2.9m)
950250  Rt 21 Section 2N  dep1 (100k)
950229  Rt 15 Bridge Deck over Abandoned Mt. Hope Railroad  dep1 (2.6m)
950224  Rt 9W Section 2D & 3D  dep1 (123k)
950216  Rt 9 Pohatcong  dep1 (337k)
 dep2 (403k)
 ace1 (231k)
950154  Sparta Stanhope Rd Bridge  dep1 (482k)
113530  Route 173 Musconetcong River, Culvert Replacement  dep1 (1.6m)
018291  Route 47/347 and Route 49/50 Corridor Enhancements  dep1 (472k)
 dep2 (626k)
 pine1 (626k)
 pine2 (626k)
 pine3 (7.6m)
 pine4 (667k)
009231  Route 46 Passaic Avenue to Willowbrook Mall  dep1 (1.6m)
133050  Route 1 Forrestal Road/Whispering Woods Blvd., ITS  dep3 (551k)
113680  Rt 9 Jobs Creek Bridge  ace1 (4926k)
133050  Route 27 (Old Alignment Bridge) over D&R Canal  dr1 (551k)

Last updated date: January 7, 2025 11:22 AM