
Routes 4/208 Construction
Fair Lawn, Bergen County
The construction on this project has been completed
Route 4/208 Interchange
- Description
This project includes the total reconfiguration of the Route 4/208 interchange. It incorporates a new Route 4 local roadway, a new Route 208
local roadway, new shoulder areas and a new structure to carry Route 4 over Route 208. Also includes intersection improvements at Red Mill Road
and Saddle River Road.
- Area
Along Route 4 from approximately 37th Street in Fair Lawn to just west of interchange with Garden State Parkway, Paramus.
- Impacts
Lane closures off-peak only. In order to expedite construction, there may be a need for a temporary lane closure (only lasting a few days) durin
peak hours.
During construction, access from southbound Saddle River Road to eastbound Route 4 will be closed. Present Route 4 and Route 208 traffic lanes
maintained, some diversion or shifting probable. Heavy traffic congestion at Route 4/208 merge expected.
NJ TRANSIT (NJT) - Permanent reroute of bus Nos. 144, 164 and 175 to accommodate southbound Saddle River Road closure and new roadway
New route No. 145 implemented for Fair Lawn.
Route 4 Widening
- Description:
Continuing construction of an auxiliary lane to match completed construction projects to the east and west.
- Area
Farview Avenue, Paramus to Johnson Avenue, River Edge.
- Impacts
Some lane closures off-peak hours.