The construction on
this project has
been completed. |
The New Jersey Department
of Transportation (NJDOT)
is currently improving an eight-mile stretch
of I-295 in Gloucester
and Camden
New Jersey. The construction
area extends from Route
45 (Exit 24) in Gloucester
County to Haddonfield-Berlin
Road (Exit 32) in Camden
County. Construction
began in June 2009,
and is expected to last
36 months, with an estimated
completion date of July
2012. Funding for this
project has been made
available under the
Reinvestment and Recovery
Act (ARRA).
The focus of this
project will be on
pavement |
This will be done through
pavement surface milling
and overlay, or by complete
removal and reconstruction
of the entire pavement structure.
Included is the replacement
of five bridge decks, northbound
and southbound, in the vicinity
of the Route 30 interchange,
substandard geometric features
will be improved, such as
increasing the length of
acceleration and deceleration
lanes, cross slopes, and
the width of the existing
shoulders where possible.
Other safety measures will
include the installation
of guide rails, drainage,
closed circuit cameras and
detectors along the
corridor to allow monitoring
of traffic
flow and congestion.
The I-295 project
will be constructed in two
segments called "work zones"
to minimize impacts to local
businesses and residents
and to reduce the number
of ramp closures at one time.

- Work
Zone 1 - I-295 between Route 45
and Route 42
- Work
Zone 2 - I-295 between
Route 42 and County Route
Monday through
Friday during morning and
evening rush hours, three
lanes of traffic in each direction will be
maintained from 6 am to 8
pm, to minimize traffic congestion
through the work zone. North
of Route 42, three lanes
of traffic will be maintained
until 9 pm.
NJDOT has communicated with
local officials and residents
regarding the I-295 rehabilitation/reconstruction
project since 2006 and has
incorporated many of the
communities' recommended
improvements into the project.
The project also includes
the construction of a concrete
fence (pdf
977k) at Exit
24 in the Westville/Westville
Grove area.
The file above is in Portable
Document Format (PDF). You
will need Adobe Acrobat Reader,
which is available free from
the state
Adobe Access page, to
view the files. |