
Transportation Capital Program
Fiscal Year 2012
The Transportation Capital Program for FY 2012 describes the planned capital expenditures and revenue sources supporting those investments for
the fiscal year starting July 1, 2011. It represents the annual element of the New Jersey Department of Transportation’s and NJ Transit’s
ten-year Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The program was shared with our MPO planning partners, state officials and
legislative leaders and interagency negotiations took place prior to an approved program.
A companion document, the Statewide Capital Investment Strategy, Fiscal Years 2012-2021, outlines transportation investment categories and
recommended annual investment levels based on revenue assumptions.
This capital program reflects the need to prioritize spending in a difficult economic environment while carefully evaluating transportation
needs and targeting limited resources toward safety and state-of-good-repair initiatives.
The FY 2012 Transportation Capital Program is supported primarily by the state Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) and federal resources. The
overall program presented in final form amounts to $3.5 billion.
State Support
State funded support is programmed at $1.590 billion. State funded support consists of the Transportation Trust Fund, as well as Port
Authority of New York and New Jersey sources.
- $968 million for NJDOT
- $625 million TTF
- $343 million PANYNJ
- $622 million for NJ TRANSIT
Federal Support
Federal support for FY 2012 is projected at $1.699 billion. NJDOT’s share of the federal funding is $1.203 billion, while NJ Transit’s
allotment is $497 million.
Local System Support
The plan includes $165 million State Aid Program for municipalities and counties as well as the $25 million Local Bridge Initiatives Program.
Overall, federal and state funded local system support totals $438 million.
NJDOT’s $2.37 billion capital program addresses New Jersey’s transportation needs in the following ways:
- The NJDOT program provides funding for state and local bridge needs of over $828 million. Bridge investments range from funding for
high-cost bridges to implementation of a variety of rehabilitation programs and local bridge rehabilitations.
- The NJDOT program also provides over $287 million dedicated to pavement rehabilitation, reconstruction and resurfacing.
- The NJDOT program provides $88 million for safety programs. Key programs funded under NJDOT’s Safety First Initiative include the Safe
Corridors (implementing improvements identified by Safety Impact Teams in high-hazard corridors), the Safe Routes to School Program, and
pedestrian safety initiatives.
- The NJDOT program provides $357 million in funds to address highway congestion through infrastructure improvements as well as efforts to
better manage traffic and respond to incidents.
- The NJDOT program provides $159 million for multimodal investments that support maritime, freight, and rail initiatives as well as
bicycle and pedestrian improvements.
NJ Transit’s $1.164 billion capital program addresses New Jersey’s mass transit needs in the following ways:
- The program budget allots over $1 billion to address NJ Transit’s state-of-good-repair needs, debt service obligations, preventive
maintenance and local programs. The program continues to provide funding to support the replacement of almost 1400 transit-style buses
in NJ Transit’s fleet as well as providing funding for ongoing track replacement, bridge and tunnel inspections and improvements,
security improvements, signal system upgrades, overhead power line and electric substation upgrades and other rail station and bus
terminal improvements throughout New Jersey.