
P.O. Box 600
Trenton, NJ
Contact: Steve Schapiro
Daniel Triana
Judy Drucker
RELEASE: March 16, 2018
All lanes on Route 130 restored to normal traffic pattern at the Crystal Lake Dam in Burlington County
Dam and bridge improvements near completion
(Trenton) - New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) officials today announced the restoration of all four lanes of traffic on Route 130 as safety improvements work on the Crystal Lake Dam and repairs to the Route 130 Bridge near completion in Burlington County.
On Saturday, March 17 from 7 a.m. until 3 p.m., NJDOT’s contractor South State Inc., is expected to remove a concrete barrier and restripe the roadway between Kinkora Road in Mansfield and Taconic Road in Bordentown. The new traffic configuration allows for the restoration of two lanes on Route 130 in each direction. Traffic barrels will be placed on the left shoulders of Route 130 northbound and Route 130 southbound to facilitate median work. After construction on the median is complete, final milling and paving will be required to complete the project later this spring.
The $4.6 million federally-funded Crystal Lake Dam project, which began in spring 2016, was constructed in stages. The project includes repairs to the existing bridge, construction of a new emergency drawdown outlet and drainage outfall, removal of vegetation from the embankments, and new guiderails. The project is designed to bring Crystal Lake Dam into compliance with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Dam Safety Standards.
Portable variable message signs are being utilized to provide advance notification to the motoring public of all traffic pattern changes associated with the work.
The precise timing of the work is subject to change due to weatheror other factors. Motorists are encouraged to check NJDOT's traffic information website www.511nj.org for real-time travel information and for NJDOT news follow us on Twitter @NJDOT_info.