
P.O. Box 600
Trenton, NJ
Contact: Steve Schapiro
Daniel Triana
RELEASE: August 4, 2017
Route 168 overnight closure required for bridge project between Camden County and Gloucester County
Temporary detour necessary as construction advances
(Trenton) - New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) officials today announced the overnight closure of
Route 168 to shift traffic as a bridge replacement project on Route 168 over Big Timber Creek advances between Gloucester Township in
Camden County and Washington Township in Gloucester County.
Beginning tonight at 8:00 p.m. Friday, August 4 until 6:00 a.m. Saturday, August 5, NJDOT’s Contractor, A.P. Construction Inc., is
scheduled to fully close Route 168 over Big Timber Creek near College Drive in both directions to move barriers, reposition constructions
signs and restripe the roadway. Northbound traffic will be shifted from the outer east side shoulder of the bridge to the west side.
Once the traffic shift is in place, there will be two 12-foot lanes, one lane in each direction on the west side of the bridge for the
duration of this next stage in construction.
Construction is being moved from a center median work zone established in June with traffic traveling on the left and right outer shoulders,
to a work zone on the east side of the bridge with traffic in both directions shifted to the west side of the bridge. The following
temporary detour will be in place.
Route 168 Northbound Detour:
- Motorists traveling northbound on Route 168 will be directed to make a right onto Sicklerville Road
- Follow under Route 42 and make a left onto Orr Road
- Bear right onto the College Drive roundabout
- Follow roundabout to make a U-Turn back onto College Drive towards Route 168
Route 168 Southbound Detour:
- Motorists traveling southbound on Route 168 will be directed to make a left onto College Drive
- Follow over Route 42 and make a right onto Orr Road
- Make right onto Sicklerville Road/Woodbury-Turnersville Road
- Follow to the Route 168 intersection
Woodbury-Turnersville Road to Wilson Road
- Motorists traveling on Woodbury-Turnersville Road will not be able to access Wilson Road, they will be directed to the
Woodbury-Turnersville Road intersection with Route 168
The $4.4 million federally-funded Route 168 Bridge over Big Timber Creek project which began construction in June 2017, will fully replace a
structurally deficient bridge with a three-sided precast concrete arch bridge. The new bridge will have one northbound travel lane, two
southbound travel lanes, a shoulder in each direction, a parapet and sidewalk on each side of the bridge, and a striped median. Construction is
expected to be completed in summer 2019.
Variable message signs are being utilized throughout the project limits to provide advance notification to motorists of all traffic pattern
changes associated with the bridge replacement project. Throughout the project, NJDOT will provide information before any upcoming road or ramp
The precise timing of the work is subject to change due to weather or other factors. Motorists are encouraged to check NJDOT's
traffic information website www.511nj.org for real-time travel information and for NJDOT
news follow us on Twitter @NJDOT_info.