
P.O. Box 600
Trenton, NJ
Contact: Steve Schapiro
Daniel Triana
RELEASE: May 12, 2017
Routes 1&9 southbound overnight lane closures
in Newark
Traffic shift needed to advance Routes 1&9/
Haynes Avenue improvements
(Trenton) -
The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) today announced the overnight weekend closure of one lane on Routes 1&9 southbound local at the exit to Newark Airport local as the improvements project continues in Essex County.
Beginning at 9 p.m. tonight, Friday, May 12, until 5:00 a.m. Saturday, May 13, NJDOT’s contractor Anselmi and Decicco, Inc., will close one lane on Routes 1&9 south local, between Haynes Avenue and the Anheuser-Bush entrance ramp for restriping and the repositioning of construction barriers to implement a traffic shift. One lane will remain open at all times during the traffic shift installations.
The new traffic configuration will shift traffic to the right utilizing the shoulder and narrow the two existing travel lanes on the right side to widen the work zone on the left side of Routes 1&9 southbound local. During this phase of construction, the left side of Routes 1&9 local will be fully reconstructed. This shift will remain until the end of the summer 2017.
In addition, the Exit 57 ramp from I-78 eastbound to Route 1&9 southbound will be narrowed and shifted to the right, utilizing a portion of the right shoulder for traffic to allow reconstruction of the left side of the ramp. Routes 1&9 southbound express lanes will not be affected.
The $14.2 million federally-funded Routes 1&9/Haynes Avenue operational improvements project is designed to improve safety and traffic flow by constructing a new roundabout at the intersection of Routes 1&9 southbound, Haynes Avenue, and Bessemer Street, adding a third lane and shoulder between the Haynes Avenue exit ramp and the Anheuser-Bush entrance ramp, a realignment of the Routes 1&9 southbound ramps, and new pavement on the roadways in the area. The project is being accomplished in stages, and is expected to be completed in summer 2018.
Portable variable message signs are being utilized to provide advance notification to the public of all traffic pattern changes associated with the work. Any traffic detours associated with this project will be coordinated with the local police. If work is completed earlier, the roadways will be reopened accordingly.
The precise timing of the work is subject to change due to weatheror other factors. Motorists are encouraged to check NJDOT’s traffic information website www.511nj.org for real-time travel information and for NJDOT news follow us on Twitter @NJDOT_info.