
P.O. Box 600
Trenton, NJ
Contact: Joe Dee or Tim Greeley
RELEASE: September 7, 2012
NJDOT announces resurfacing contract in Monmouth County
Deteriorated sections of Route 35 in Belmar and Wall and Route 34 in Colts Neck to be addressed
(Trenton) - NJDOT officials today announced a resurfacing project to address deteriorated sections of asphalt roadway on Route 34
in Colts Neck and Route 35 in Belmar and Wall, all in Monmouth County.
NJDOT’s contractor, Earle Asphalt Co., will begin construction layout, including sign installation and site mobilization, next week on Route 34 in
Colts Neck. Initial construction operations will focus on curb repair work. Construction is expected to begin on Route 35 in Belmar the week of
September 17. The contractor will be utilizing multiple crews to advance the work at both locations simultaneously.
The resurfacing project will improve motorist safety and extend the pavement lifespan along the full width of the roadway at the following locations,
including all travel lanes, turn lanes, shoulders and median openings:
- Route 35 in both directions from just south of the Shark River bridge in Belmar to the vicinity of 18th Avenue in Wall Township. Minor repairs
and pavement work will be done to the Route 35/Route 138 overpass in Wall. Image detection cameras will be installed at the signalized
intersections to replace the old underground loop detectors.
- Route 34 from south of the Route 18 interchange/Naval Weapons Station Earle to CR 537 Colts Neck-Eatontown Road. The two Route 34 bridge
decks over Route 18 will be repaired and the existing guide rail will be upgraded.
Route 35 curb reconstruction work will be done during daytime hours Monday through Friday - 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. - with shoulder and periodic right lane
closures. The repaving of the mainline highway will be done overnight - 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. - with single lane closures in each direction. One travel
lane will be maintained at all times. During the reconstruction of the Route 35 southbound right travel lane NJDOT will post alternate route signs
for motorists heading into Belmar, as that work is expected to result in delays.
Route 34 mainline paving work will be accomplished overnight - 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. – with shoulder closures allowed at any time for curb repair.
All ramp and bridge work will be done overnight with localized detours. Dynamic message signs will notify motorists of upcoming traffic pattern
changes. The $3 million project, which was designed in-house by NJDOT engineers, is expected to be complete in December 2012.
The precise timing of the work is subject to change due to weather or other factors. Motorists are encouraged to check NJDOT’s traffic
information website www.511nj.org real-time travel information.