
P.O. Box 600
Trenton, NJ
Contact: Erin Phalon or Tim Greeley
RELEASE: March 20, 2009
NJDOT announces Route 287 and Easton Avenue interchange improvements in Franklin Township
(Trenton) – The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) today announced the start of a $667,000 Route 287 and Easton Avenue
interchange improvement project in Franklin Township, Somerset County.
“The Route 287 and Easton Avenue interchange is vital to commerce in Somerset County, and it is imperative that we improve safety and mobility there,”
said Governor Jon S. Corzine.
On March 21, NJDOT will start replacing curbs and reconstructing the island located to the north of the U-Turn ramp from Easton Avenue northbound to
Easton Avenue southbound. This stage of the project is scheduled for completion on March 30. In order to accommodate construction, NJDOT will reduce
the width of the Easton Avenue travel lanes and ramps from World’s Fair Drive to I-287 to 11 feet. The project will not require lane closures or
Following the island reconstruction, NJDOT will extend the left turn lane on the ramp from Route 287 southbound to Easton Avenue northbound, replace
curbs, and improve the drainage system. Also, NJDOT will replace the curb in the median of Easton Avenue northbound and southbound from the I-287
southbound ramp from Easton Avenue northbound to the vicinity of Worlds Fair Drive.
The project is scheduled for completion in May 2009.
Real time travel and construction information is available online at