
P.O. Box 600
Trenton, NJ
Contact: Erin Phalon or Tim Greeley
RELEASE: October 30, 2007
NJDOT to install median barrier on Route 42 and Atlantic City Expressway
in Washington and Gloucester Townships
Cross median accident prevention program advances
(Trenton) -- Commissioner Kris Kolluri today announced that starting November 5, the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT)
will install median barriers on 3.11 miles of Route 42 and the Atlantic City Expressway (ACE) in Washington Township, Gloucester County and Gloucester
Township, Camden County.
"This project is an important example of NJDOT's median-crossover protection program, which aims to protect motorists by providing 182 miles of median
protection statewide by 2010," NJDOT Commissioner Kris Kolluri said. "NJDOT has already provided over 120 miles of median crossover protection around
the state, making motorists less vulnerable to head-on collisions."
The state-funded, $1 million project will improve safety by installing a dual faced beam guide-rail in the median along Route 42 from milepost 9.4 to
milepost 6.45 and the Atlantic City Expressway at milepost 43.9, where the two roads converge. The project is scheduled for completion in mid-December
NJDOT's median barrier installation will require alternating left-lane closures on Route 42 and ACE and temporary shoulder closures.
NJDOT will install Variable Message Signs (VMS) to advise motorists of upcoming traffic pattern shifts. NJDOT is working with the State Police to
maintain safe conditions for workers and motorists in the construction zone. Motorists are encouraged to check NJDOT's traffic information website,
www.njcommuter.com, for traffic updates.