
P.O. Box 600
Trenton, NJ
Contact: Erin Phalon or Sandra Gutarra
RELEASE: October 5, 2007
NJDOT announces streetscape improvements on Route 57 in Washington Borough, Warren County
(Trenton)--Commissioner Kris Kolluri today announced the completion of a streetscape improvement project funded by the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) on Route 57 in Washington Borough, Warren County.
“NJDOT’s local aid for the Route 57 streetscape improvements will improve pedestrian safety, mitigate flooding and quality of life in Washington Borough’s business district,” said Commissioner Kolluri.
The $1.6 million project includes the installation of sidewalks, trees, ornamental street lights, trash receptacles, a mid-block crosswalk, bike racks, benches and drainage improvements.
Many Washington Borough children walk to and from school on weekdays. All of Washington Borough’s schools are located north of Route 57, which requires children who live south of Route 57 to cross the heavily trafficked road during peak vehicular traffic periods. The installation of sidewalks and a crosswalk will improve the safety of these students.
NJDOT provided technical expertise on potential improvements to the Route 57 corridor in the areas of safety, mobility, drainage and bicycle and pedestrian needs.