
P.O. Box 600
Trenton, NJ
Contact: Erin Phalon
RELEASE: September 25, 2007
NJDOT releases Comprehensive Statewide Freight Plan
(Trenton)-Commissioner Kris Kolluri today released the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT)’s Comprehensive Statewide Freight Plan, which recommends improvements to maximize the economic benefits of the efficient freight movement.
“With these recommendations, NJDOT can target investments that maximize the potential economic benefit of freight movement,” said Commissioner Kolluri. “I look forward to working with the Office of Economic Growth, the Liberty Corridor Steering Committee, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and the New Jersey Turnpike Authority and the private sector in order to create a balanced, strategic statewide freight agenda.”
The plan suggests improvements for integration of freight within the NJDOT planning process and coordination among government and private industry. The plan also identifies strategies that capitalize on freight movement as an economic engine that can improve quality of life.
Protecting the State’s critical freight corridors is an integral component of the Comprehensive Statewide Freight Plan. The plan advocates the designation of I-78, I-80, I-287, I-295, the New Jersey Turnpike, and Route 17 as key freight corridors. NJDOT should develop specific maintenance, data collection and capital plans for the six freight corridors.
The plan supports freight capacity expansion projects such as the widening of the Turnpike from Interchange 6 to 8A, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey’s dock rail ExpressRail improvements, the Liberty Corridor and Portway projects and the deepening of the New York/New Jersey Harbor shipping channels. In addition, it supports the creation of a rail freight capacity and warehouse development process within NJDOT and an oversight entity at the Office of Economic Growth.
The Comprehensive Statewide Freight Plan also advises the State to safeguard its critical freight nodes by conducting a multi-modal corridor study addressing freight facility access, intra-facility movement, highway/rail connections, land use, and community issues.
The full text of the NJDOT Comprehensive Statewide Freight Plan is accessible via the link below: http://www.state.nj.us/transportation/freight/plan/study.shtm