
P.O. Box 600
Trenton, NJ
Contact: Erin Phalon
RELEASE: September 19, 2007
NJDOT announces Safe Routes
to Transit grant for Union County
(Trenton) - Commissioner Kris Kolluri today announced that the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) will award Union County
a $280,000 Safe Routes to Transit grant for the operation of the new Route 22 Transit Shuttle in Kenilworth, Springfield and Union.
“The Safe Routes to Transit program improves pedestrian safety and the accessibility of transit facilities,” said Kolluri. “This shuttle service will
provide pedestrians a safer means of travel through the Route 22 corridor and will improve overall safety conditions by preventing pedestrians from
crossing highway lanes.”
The funding will enable Union County to operate the complimentary shuttle five days per week starting in October 2007. Riders may access the shuttle at
designated NJ TRANSIT bus stops along Route 22 east- and westbound.
NJDOT developed the Route 22 Transit Shuttle in partnership with Union County in order to give pedestrians in the shopping district a safe, free
alternative to crossing Route 22 on foot. NJDOT conducted traffic studies and community outreach to ensure that the program was developed in a manner
that would best provide access to employment and services along Route 22. NJDOT also provided funding for planning and design services associated with
the Route 22 Transit Shuttle.
NJDOT is working closely with regional stakeholders including Union County officials and NJ Transit to ensure the successful execution of this project.
The Safe Streets to Transit Program is a key component of Governor Jon S. Corzine’s Pedestrian Safety Initiative. The program provides $5 million
dollars over five years for pedestrian safety improvements including infrastructure, education, outreach and planning guidance in areas surrounding
transit facilities.