
P.O. Box 600
Trenton, NJ
Contact: Erin Phalon
RELEASE: June 22, 2007
Department of Transportation schedules a Public Hearing on Proposed Amendments to Regulations on roadside sign control and outdoor advertising
(Trenton) The New Jersey Department of Transportation is proposing to readopt with amendments N.J.A.C. 16:41C, its regulations regarding Roadside Sign Control and Outdoor Advertising. This rule establishes guidelines, standards and requirements to be followed and adhered to in outdoor advertising and related activities along the roadways of New Jersey.
The amendments include limitations on the total number of square feet of advertising space permitted on outdoor advertising signs located on property owned or controlled by a State department, agency, board, commission, corporation or authority, requirements for the submission of disclosure statements to DOT; requirements that the State House Commission must review and approve a waiver before DOT allows a placement of a sign on public property; requirements that a public hearing be held before the Commissioner issues an outdoor advertising sign permit, other than a conditional permit; and requirements that where the permit applicant is a private entity, all relevant municipal approvals must be received by the applicant prior to the issuance of an outdoor advertising permit, other than a conditional permit. Additionally, P.L. 2004, c.58 established a State tax clearance process for certain businesses that are holders of licenses from State agencies, and allowed that licenses may be suspended for businesses that fail to pay state tax indebtedness. The proposal has been amended to include the requirements of this public law. The proposal also includes increases in the annual permit fees, which have not increased since 1997, to cover the costs of administering the program.
The Department has scheduled a public hearing on the proposed re-adoption with amendments, at which time public comments on the proposal will be accepted. The public hearing will be held on Monday, July 9, 2007, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., in the Multipurpose Room, NJ Department of Transportation Main Office Building, 1035 Parkway Avenue, Trenton, New Jersey. Persons planning to attend the public hearing are asked to telephone (609) 530-2038 at least two working days in advance of the hearing to notify the Department of their planned attendance so that the Department can arrange adequate accommodations.
Comments submitted to the Department on the proposed rulemaking are public records and are available for public inspection by prior appointment during normal Department business hours. |