
P.O. Box 004
Trenton, NJ 08625
Contact: Jayne O'Connor, Wendi Patella
RELEASE: June 16, 1999
Office of the Governor
Governor Whitman Signs Bills into Law
ACS for A-2738 and A-2343, sponsored by Assembly Members Alex DeCroce (R-Essex/Morris/Passaic), Anthony Impreveduto (D-Bergen/Hudson), Francis Bodine (R-Atlantic/Burlington/ Camden) and Joseph Charles (D-Hudson) and Senators Andrew Ciesla (R-Monmouth/Ocean) and Walter Kavanaugh (R-Morris/Somerset), increases from $700 million to $900 million the amount of debt that the State Transportation Trust Fund Authority may incur. The bill also increases the same amount that may be appropriated for transportation projects. Any savings realized by refinancing debt must be used for funding transportation projects.
ACS for A-3269, sponsored by Assembly Members Rose Marie Heck (R-Bergen), Joel M. Weingarten (D-Bergen) and Loretta Weinberg (D-Bergen), authorizes the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to process motor vehicle transactions submitted through any electronic or digital means, including by the Internet or telephone. Individuals will continue to have the option of conducting business with DMV in person or through the mail.