
Contact: John Graf, Jr.
RELEASE: September 16, 1996
New Jersey Motor Vehicles Services (MVS)
Database Information Programs
- The MVS database is maintained as an administrative tool and is not a public record.
- MVS only releases information from it in accordance with an administrative directive that was issued in 1982 by then Attorney General Irwin Kimmelman. Database information is not provided to persons or entities that seek to use such information for commercial solicitation or for political canvassing or campaigning.
- The information contained in MVS's database is not now -- and will not be -- made available to junk mailers, direct mailers, or telemarketers.
- The MVS database is not now -- and will not be -- made directly available on the INTERNET.
- Currently, information from the MVS database is provided in a Tape-to-Tape Exchange program to specific legitimate businesses in high volume on computer tape ("high volume tape to tape users"). The legally established fee per driver license, driver registration, and driver history requested is contained in N.J.A.C. 13:18-11.4. The minimum number of requests required in this program is 250 per tape.
- The "high volume tape-to-tape users" in this program only include:
- Insurance Companies
- Bus and Truck Companies
- Parking/Highway Authorities
- The MVS recently legally established a fee in N.J.A.C. 13:18-11.4 to provide database information to these same "high volume users" through the Limited On-Line Access program. The minimum number of requests required in this program will be 100 per calendar quarter.
- The Limited On-Line Access program is anticipated to begin in October, 1996.
- The participants in this program will only have access to the same "user specific" information they receive in the Tape-to-Tape Exchange program.
- Participation in this Limited On-Line Access program will only be approved after an extensive application process in which MVS completes a thorough background check on the businesses applying to participate. MVS will provide special security access to MVS database via hard wire only to those businesses accepted into the program.
- The Limited On-Line Access program will not enable the general public, junk mail houses or telemarketers to access the database through personal home or office computers.
- The time in which information is provided to the participants in this program will be reduced from the 72 hours necessary for the computer tape transaction, to immediate provision. This state-of-the-art enhancement is being implemented to ensure the current accuracy of the information, and to thereby benefit the legitimate uses made of the information by these businesses.
- The approved participants in the program will be restricted as they are currently, from reselling or disclosing information received from the MVS database. Pending Federal and State legislation, and regulations proposed by MVS, will codify these and other restrictions.